Isurgency/capturing units not responding

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi, I'm trying to create a capture mission, where Blufor starts in a "small" area and starts going inwards and capturing altis from Opfor.
    I think all my modules and TAOR are right because when i preview it Blufor only spawns in a place and opfor on the rest of the island excluding the Blufor spawn. Also the admin commands and player logistics work. But when i start the two factions just seem to be on a treaty or something, one or other don't attack, they just wait.
    I'd like it if someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong, because i can't seem to find out.

  2. Sync the placement module of the BLUFOR Forces to the Military AI commander that is set to Asymmetric, this will make it so that the Insurgents are aware of BLUFOR units and will attempt to attack locations held by BLUFOR and ambush BLUFOR patrols when they feel strong enough to do so.

  3. Also if you have one side (BLUFOR) attacking the other (OPFOR) make sure you sync the BLUFOR AI Commander to the OPFOR placement module(s)


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