Player Built FOB.

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by thefinn

    Is this possible, or should I look at something like MCC for this? (altho MCC is awfully buggy atm).

    Or should I (lol) try and code one into a tent or something ?

    All I have to do is add an init field to when the tent is dropped to make a "respawn_west" marker at that pos right ? Then remove the marker once it's picked up.

  2. Use respawntemplate menuposition and create marker respawn_west_1 from script at FOB position.
    It should do the task.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Usually my solution to this is to add an admin-only action to a flagpole or something. When used it'll open your map and wherever you click it will add a respawn position and add that area as an ALiVE-recognized objective so that it'll be defended and attacked accordingly.

    I used the tent method for a sort of temp-fob type of thing in a recent mission and it's pretty good aswell.

    If you need help coding anything let me know since I already have a similar function laid out.

  4. Always down for any example code if you have it. I am not someone who learns by documentation - always been my problem. I need context, and especially programming documentation never seems to have any.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Mine is simple, only handles one possible Rallypoint ("Mobile" spawnpoint) at a time. Never had a need for anything more complex so never bothered to really advance it. Feel free to do whatever with it. I add the action using 3 lines in the onPlayerRespawn.sqf to check if the respawning player is of the correct role to receive the action. This script also benefits from having an object near your base named baseFlag which will allow you to teleport to the rallypoint from that object.

    if ((typeOf _unit) == "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_grenadier") then {
    	player addAction ["<t color='#FF707E'>Deploy Rallypoint</t>", "Scripts\Rallypoint.sqf", "", 0];
    If you want to want to go with a more official FOB type thing where you are actually building a base then you could also go the extra mile and add it as an ALiVE recognized objective using cjb_addObjectiveToSides off the wiki . Here is a script I used in the past to add an objective via mapclick. Just add the action to an object and then define cjb_addObjectiveToSides somewhere such as the init.sqf.

  6. If using ACE3, ACE3 has a rallypoint system you could use as well.

  7. Still using AGM until the AI healing system works in ACE :)

    Presently you can't even heal an AI manually, and this map i'm doing allows u to deploy AI to your squad.

  8. Great thanks spyder.


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