How do I load a save game?

  1. 9 years ago

    I've never used TADST myself so it is possible there is a step missing with your setup. I would log into the War Room and go through the instructions again on setting up your server with War Room. Then post your RPT and aliveserver logs.

    The units floating in the air seems to be happening on Isla Duala only correct? You're the 2nd person to mention this in the last few days...

  2. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    @SavageCDN The units floating in the air seems to be happening on Isla Duala only correct? You're the 2nd person to mention this in the last few days...

    Yeah it was Duala. I am not using the TADST thing; I set up my server manually. I'm guessing it's the last few updates to the map causing my issue. I'll have to try a mission on Altis later tonight to be sure.

  3. Ok, here is my very latest attempt with every log I could find.

    Here is my server log

    Here is my arma3server log (with Debug on, Basic Alive Template, only CBA, Aliveserver, and Alive mods active)

    Anxiously awaiting a Dev to help me on this. I've tried for 2 days to get this to work unsuccessfully. I'm out of ideas. Back to single session missions for the time being I guess.