Slowing the insurgency down?

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Max255

    I'm trying to tweak my mission so it takes longer for OPFOR to establish insurgency... Or dominate whole map to be precise.

    I set up a single MIL and CIV startup objective where the AI can spawn, set them to spawn platoon size force with readiness of 50%. Military camps and roadblocks are on since I want both of those. Currently it takes 4h for OPCOM to secure almost every objective on Clafghan (with the exception of few - not all - MIL outposts secured by BLUFOR OPCOM). It uses the groups from random camps to secure objective further form their "base".
    I'll try again with speed multiplier for virtualized groups set to 25% but I don't think it'll help that much.

    Is there any way to slow the progression down more so it would take few days for it to fully develop?

    Also, can AI spawned by Custom Objectives be used by OPCOM to secure other MIL/CIV objectives?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I believe slowing the insurgency down was considered as a possible future addition . Aside from slowing down the movement of virtual profiles or pausing module when no players are on the server I don't believe there is much you can do at the moment.

    Also, can AI spawned by Custom Objectives be used by OPCOM to secure other MIL/CIV objectives?

    Yes they can, they'll usually try to leave groups behind to defend the location. Any spare groups will move to objectives.


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