A quick way of doing so would be to..
1. Drag the entire "Functions" folder (from the insurgency redux mission folder) over to the root of your new mission folder
2. Add the CfgFunctions to your description.ext
//--- CfgFunctions
class CfgFunctions{
#include "functions\cfgfunctions.hpp"
3. Add these lines to your init.sqf
if (isServer || isDedicated) then {
CACHE = objNull;
_null = [] spawn INS_fnc_setupCache;
if (isServer || isDedicated) then {
INS_INTELSPAWNED = ["Box_East_Support_F","Land_Laptop_unfolded_F","Land_Sleeping_bag_folded_F","Land_Sleeping_bag_blue_F"];
_null = [] spawn INS_fnc_SpawnIntel;
Hopefully that works, haven't touched that mission in a long time so fingers-crossed I didn't miss anything.
This should add a cache spawning around the map randomly, intel spawned in random buildings.
If you can't figure it out maybe I can whip up an example mission tonight.