recruit AI

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I tried adding [true, true 30] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; to my mission's original init.sqf and placing the SpyderAmbience folder to my mission root and it's not working.

    Probably a dumb question but I see your zip file has an init.sqf already in it. And it has A LOT more written in it than the line I just posted. Am I supposed to copy/paste the entirety of your init.sqf to the one in my mission root?

    For the heck of it, I un-PBO'd one of Autigergrad's missions that use your Ambience scripts and his mission init.sqf also seems to have a lot more than that one line that would seem to be used to initialize it. Perhaps I can't see the entire line I was supposed to type in because I'm on my phone?

    Oh! I also see the Muslim Call to Prayer in his mission folder. :) Man I love that. You guys should release it! It adds a lot to the environment.

  3. Well, it seems to be in demand so I'll start making it into a module in the coming days.

  4. Yes! Thank you. It adds so much awesomeness that's it's hard playing ALiVE missions without it. I appreciate it Spyder.

  5. Hey spyder, can you upload your mod to steam workshop, armaholic etc?

    I am planning to upload a mission to workshop, and it requires your mod, might be more convinient for people to download from there instead from your dropbox.

    Btw im getting a error message when using your mod and alive: C2ISTAR/TASKING description.sqf is missing. I don not remember to complete error meassage, im typing this on my phone...

  6. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    My mod shouldn't have anything to do with it (run once with and without my mod just in case to check). Should be a simple fix for ALiVE though, single line :)

    I'll look into Armaholic/Steam.

  7. Brawler, I'm getting the same error on several of my ALiVE missions once I open the editor. Everything seems to work when I actually play the mission so I haven't tried to narrow down the culprit.

    Spyder, when you get your Ambiance modules all set, would it be possible to include them in your already available @SpyderAddons? If it's easy for you to do that, that is. I'm not sure if you were planning a standalone release or not.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by Brawler

    Alright, testet with and without your mod, the error message only comes with your addon. As soon you open the editor its fine, but when you click on alive modules the error message comes up and are as follow:

    no entry"bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ALiVE_MIL_C2ISTAR/Arguments/TASKING.description"

    I think it is related to your civilian interaction module, Isnt that is the one who communicate with the C2ISTAR module?

    Anyway the mission seems to run without any problems, so its probably just a "fake" error Message:)

  9. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's because the C2ISTAR divider class is missing a description value (not really needed since it's the line that just divides up some of the parameters to make it clean). Not sure how my addons affects it, but I'll look into it. (Civilian Interaction doesn't mess with C2ISTAR in any way)

    Spyder, when you get your Ambiance modules all set, would it be possible to include them in your already available @SpyderAddons? If it's easy for you to do that, that is. I'm not sure if you were planning a standalone release or not.

    Yeah, I'll just release a new download link and then once you replace the old @SpyderAddons with the new one, it'll be another module in the list. Adding new components to mods is pretty easy. (It's coming along really well so far).

  10. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    By the way latest SpyderAddons version (including ambiance)

    For any further questions, please ask here (trying to isolate my stuff from the alive forums for obv reasons).

    Still thinking/working on steam release.

  11. Thanks for the release :-) perhaps you can create a new topic on bi forums? and the mods can close this one?

  12. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah. A thread over on Bistudio would be great. It's such a remarkable addon that I think a lot of the current ALiVE players will be blown away by this.

    I don't think I can play ALiVE without it anymore TBH. I'd love to see this (and the Call To Prayer script) officially incorporated into the next update.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Alright, on Steam Workshop now, all updates can be grabbed from there as they are published.

    Any further feature requests or questions can be directed here:

  14. how does the Recruitment mod work, like the group manager from alive? because i cant use the group manager, i reinstalled alive but if i open the manager no units show up and i need something to add units to my squad, because its senseless to order units with the the logistic module but not be able to add them to your group

  15. Recruitment manager basically allows you to recruit AI units from a defined faction list to your group via a menu that's attached to a specific object in the editor. You have to place an object and sync to the recruitment manager module in the editor. It's perfect for having at base so you can pick up some AI teammates for a mission.

  16. 8 years ago

    @SpyderBlack723 is there a way to disband recruits that I have added to my squad usuing your recuit MOD? My mission is set with three AI that I use on every mission or for JIP later, but then recruit a couple for a specific mission. I have to carry them around until they die so my squad is rest to its original size. Can I do this with a trigger back at the HQ (don't know how I would do this)? Thanks

  17. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Not built in no.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by CaseyQ32

    OK thanks. I made a work around with a setdamage trigger, but i imagine the bodies stacking up haha.

  19. Use

    deleteVehicle _unit

    instead of

    _unit setDamage 1
  20. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Why not just dismiss them from your group using the commander tablet? Or maybe I'm not understanding your ultimate goal (probably not).

  21. @HeroesandvillainsOS  that's more what I was trying to do. I'm sure I didn't ask the question correctly. Thanks that worked. I rarely use all the functions of the commanders tablet, and I forgot that was there.


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