ACE3 Wasteland ALiVE?

  1. 9 years ago

    So, I want to get ALiVE added to ACE3 Wasteland while keeping the 3 Player factions. I want to have an AI faction that will try to control the region. Can I use the Blufor Renegade faction and will they attack all factions?

  2. From my experience: Alive is going to just use the mission's intel to decide hostility. As far as Alive is concerned, you'd just be placing a BLUFOR general and troop placements, no TAOR (so that they use the whole map) and then maybe something like this:
    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class Man { init = "_this addRating -10000"; }; };
    ...added to your description.ext. I'm not sure if that will prevent them from attacking each other though.

    You might be able to use the civilian side, especially if you're not planning on using ambient civ spawning.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    From my experience: Alive is going to just use the mission's intel to decide hostility.

    ALiVE utilizes getFriend when initializing OPCOM logic so any relations changes in the intel tab will stick, don't plan on changing relations mid-mission though unless you manually change what sides each OPCOM considers an enemy as well.

    Can I use the Blufor Renegade faction and will they attack all factions?

    As long as they facing Opfor and Independent side units, yes. Just make sure to change the side relations in the intel tab of the editor as mentioned above. As far as I know there is no way to make two factions on the same side (blufor in this case) attack eachother without possibly breaking something.

  4. no civi spawning. So, I would have to either replace the Indie faction with the AI faction or have a bunch of Civis running around? If I place down Military civilian objectives and filter them for things like marine or power, will that specify that objective as a power or marine objective?
    I have placed a few military objectives and have placed the force type as OPFOR_G_F
    I have also placed them and made them spawn units as bases to start from as I made the AI commander use the Occupation stance.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    So, I would have to either replace the Indie faction with the AI faction or have a bunch of Civis running around?

    Not sure how Wasteland works but I'm guessing so

    If I place down Military civilian objectives and filter them for things like marine or power, will that specify that objective as a power or marine objective?

    They are already identified as marine and power objectives, you are simply allowing that placement module to only place units at objectives that identify with the requirements you set.

    I have placed a few military objectives and have placed the force type as OPFOR_G_F

    Switch that to OPF_G_F

  6. but will that make the faction the Opfor rebels? What is the point of the rebel faction if they dont attack the original faction?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    The point of the rebel faction was to supplement the campaign where you start out as a small group of survivors as opposed to a main military force. Their properties in itself are no different that the standard OPF_F faction. You could have a placement module spawn rebel units and then have those rebel units switch to side "ENEMY", but it could be very prone to breaking opcom since the units' side is being messed with mid mission.

  8. hmm. so would it be better for me to use DAC? Or what would you recommend since Wasteland is a TvTvT mission.

  9. How is Wasteland done in the first place? Are there AI supplementing each player team. Are there 3 player teams with an AI team that attacks every player team?

  10. All three factions are against each other. The only AI are the ones that spawn during the random missions that spawn in.

  11. You spawn with nothing except a pistol and you find vehicles and weapons that randomly spawn on the map. There are gun stores, general stores and vehicle stores.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You might have the best luck by using what Taksi first posted

    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
     class Man {
      init = "_this addRating -10000";

    ...added to your description.ext

    That would of course need to only be activated on the rebel units.

    You may also want to skip using a Military AI Commander module for the rebel faction and just have them spawn inside a zone between each of the player teams. You could also use Custom Military Objective module with or without a composition to fill any empty space that you want occupied by the AI.

  13. hmm. That might work. The thing missing is that there are no predefined team locations. Everyone spawns randomly.

  14. @Ducky, I pushed changes to my fork of your Altis version of the map if you want to check them out (WIP). If you like the direction, I can do the same on Lingor once it's ready.

    There's a bit of balance tweaking still being done. It's currently fairly difficult as a new spawn, as the cities are often populated by ~2-12 IND occupying forces. That said: it's a very much working ALiVE Wasteland and pretty damn fun.

  15. cool. Lingor is "ready" I just never added the mods I wanted since they are not ready.

  16. you have a link to it?

  17. I don't have a pbo version up for release (yet) but you can grab a zip and run fromthere

    This is what I've changed so far:
    The issues tracker on that fork is stuff I intend to fix.

  18. @Taksi I don't have a pbo version up for release (yet) but you can grab a zip and run fromthere

    This is what I've changed so far:
    The issues tracker on that fork is stuff I intend to fix.

    Could you make it so that the Civilian faction was a 3rd Player faction like the Independent faction used to be for Players? Also change the HLC packs to MASSI weapons and units as the AI do not spawn with HLC weapons. Bornholm is nice and all but the roads are janky as all hell. Isla Duala seems like a better option. Just some suggestions.


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