Just tested War Room connectivity on my dedi server with latest ALiVE and ALiVE Server mods.
I'll post the entire RPT file link but this particular portion seems to be the issue.
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - mode: SERVERSAVE
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - Abort / Save by Admin
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - Broadcasting abort call to all players
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - Trigger Server abort call
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - [SERVERSAVE] (Admin) Ending mission
18:14:33 --------------------------------------------------------------
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - mode: REMSAVE
18:14:33 ALiVE Data is disabled, so player save will not occur, aborting...
18:14:33 --------------------------------------------------------------
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - Exit Player id: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Drew) name: Drew uid: 76561198012420991
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - Player Profile Handler OPD
18:14:33 ALiVE Exit - [ABORT] Ending mission
I'm only running vanilla ARMA 3 with CBA and ALiVE.
I was logged in as admin as well.
Tried it 3 times and got same issue all 3 times.
Here is the entire RPT file.