Server freezes (Fixed!)

  1. 9 years ago

    We are getting some random server lockups. This is our modlist:


    Between line 1786-1787 occurred the lockup
    1786 20:59:35 bipod_unhide - unknown animation source hasBipod
    1787 21:05:02 Error: Object(10 : 53) not found

    missionfile and rpt are available

  2. Those errors aren't really ALiVE related - Please post your server's RPT file to pastebin and link back here for us to look at.

    By lockups you mean the mission is already running and the armaserver.exe process crashes?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by Jaypee

    No the entire game freezes but picks back up. It does so for all players. Well actually the players can still walk around but no ai or other players are moving. We run a dedicated server we host ourselves. We are having this problem since the latest update. BTW these lines are from the rpt and show roughly the freeze time. I know the aren't Alive issues :) Thanks for the reply also.

  4. Thanks for the RPT.. .there isn't much there I can see that would be causing any problems... as you pointed out it stops writing to the RPT for about 5.5 seconds. Lots of errors there but nothing really game-breaking.

    Does it do this consistently ie: at a certain point of the mission, after Bobby fires his AA launcher, when a task completes, some interaction with the Nimitz, etc?

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Jaypee

    Nope nothing we know of. It occurs also roughly at the beginning of the mission as well as later in the mission. We're gonna disable all our scripts and see if there is an issue with those. Although we had them running before.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    This happen me too. All ai helis in air, freezes, all ai units and vehicles freezes. Server is not responding for admin login or any admin commands if was logged. This lag is usually long if not permanent.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Make sure all players and the server are using a synchronized mod set. Same mods, same version. Also check your mod load order and ensure any required mods are loaded first.

  8. Post back here if you figure it out (or if not).

  9. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    I have just tried all. After last arma update i cant launch my alive missions anymore. Server gets long freeze after ~ 30min game play , no mater if there are HC or not, no mater if there are more players or just couple. All stacks, if player disconnect cant join back, black screen instead of lobby. Server is stopped without any errors. Players desync = 0.

  10. Same thing happens to me, since "blessed" Nexus patch, yesterday released a hotfix spotrep #00051, in which perhaps they have solved these problems.


  11. Can confirm, much better stability since the hotfix. Try it out!

  12. Yeah I believe there were server related issues with Arma 3 before the hotfix. Life servers were reporting issues to BIS, i.e. crashing. The hotfix could have solved these issues. I cannot confirm myself if these have been fixed but so far I have not experienced any issues.

  13. We have been freezing too all of our rpt files are old and from last month I have deleted them to try and populate new ones and will post them here for more guidance as what should be done or if it can help the dev team out dunno

  14. ^ if you are using persistence please post those logs as well (found in @aliveserver folder)

  15. We have the same issue my last RPT

    Server perf from the Alive Server folder

    alive plugin log

  16. Hope this helps somehow it is not a pattern visual last time I was in the Base not even near a town so server could not spawn units at all and i just saw how FPS on the server monitor just went down from 50 to 0 and nothin moves anymore at least the server remains there and players are not showing any desync in the player list but actually server is dead. if you need more let me know and I will try to get whats needed since this is freakin annoying to be just able to play for approx 20-40 min and then need to restart the server.

    Kind Regards

  17. ^ has this happened since the A3 hotfix was released last week?

  18. Hey Savage #

    Yes that is an Affirmative but since this is just a gameserver through webinterface I don´t have the chance to make an Rollback to 1.52 to confirm if this is the problem.

    Kind Regards

  19. Edited 9 years ago by Jaypee

    We've been having the issue since the last Alive update. If you look at the date of my first post you'll see roughly when I got off my ass and managed to get a post out. We've been having the problem about 2 to 4 weeks before the 25th of november 2015. Not saying it is something the Alive team changed cause I think BI brought out an update at around the same time.

  20. Edited 9 years ago by n2-

    the issue is, the server is getting tons of traffic on recieve, for no actual reason, which makes it all stale

    like, the recieve end start to have the same or even more value than sending

    (this is how it looks normally and server works fine)

    when this little fella goes crazy - you get the situation described

    when the recieve is getting that huge, you notice the server "freeze", even though it doesn not hang, it's just the packets of actual info aren't coming through

    i have no idea what cause it,

    we thought it was ddos,
    we thought it was some DNS error

    my guess it have something to do with cycle input/something among these lines, as it's clearly depending on players on server, and if they leave the recieve end drops back to normal, but the server is still fucked

    and if you get all clients disconnected, and you alone join back - the server is slow as hell and would not even load you to the mission.

    i have no idea what causes it

    also hi jaypee ; )

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