Saving as User Mission causing game to crash?

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Well what a nightmare of a night I had with ARMA yesterday. You can read about my tribulations here:

    On top of all that, I'm having a very odd issue with a mission I've been editing in the Editor. This may or may not be ALiVE related so I apologize if my guess as ALiVE being the issue is wrong.

    So I'm editing and previewing a mission with no issues. Everything is all fine and dandy so I decide to save my editing progress by saving it as a User Mission. So still being in the editor, after saving, I decided to preview the mission again and bang! I immediately CTD after about 30 seconds of the mission loading.

    Knowing that the only thing I had done between everything being perfect and everything not working was creating the User Mission, for the heck of it I decided to delete the User Mission file out of My Documents folder. And wouldn't you know it, the mission worked again.

    I even PBO'd it and saved it as a MP Mission and everything works wonderfully on my server too. But the second I try to create a User Mission for it in the editor, I immediately CTD after about 30 seconds of the mission loading.

    Has anyone seen anything like this before?

  2. I haven't myself.. I generally don't use the A3 "create PBO" functions within the editor - CPBO is my favorite program for this.

    Try the same with a non-ALiVE mission to rule it out.. but it doesn't sound like a mod-related problem.

  3. Good call on trying a non-ALiVE mission.

    I haven't really had any issues so far using PBO Manager just to extract my missions and then using the editor to repack them. But yeah, I'll look into CPBO for sure.

    It's just very strange that the mere existence of a User Mission folder could cause CTD'ing like that.

    I'll try a different mission and see how it goes. Assuming I can even launch the game any time soon. What a mess. :(

  4. Do you use ace3? if so, it might be the problem. I don't use it anymore due to random crashes both in prewiev and during a mission. This is only happening on alive missions tough. Without ace everything works normaly.

  5. @Brawler Do you use ace3? if so, it might be the problem. I don't use it anymore due to random crashes both in prewiev and during a mission. This is only happening on alive missions tough. Without ace everything works normaly.

    Well yes I am indeed using ACE. And on top of the User Mission issue I'm having, I am also CTD'ing while in preview mode CONSTANTLY when teleporting to test.

    This is interesting.

    I'm new to mission editing so forgive me for the stupid question. Can I cleanly/safely make an ACE dependent ALiVE mission non-ACE dependent just by removing the ACE modules or does it embed itself deeper within mission.sqm, etc?

  6. It should not keep entries in mission.sqm once all ACE things are deleted from the mission but even if it does you can open the .sqm in Notepad (back it up first!!) and remove all ACE-related addons listed in the top 2 sections.

  7. It will add entries even if you delete all ACE modules from the mission. What you need to do is to take a backup as Savage said. Then open mission.sqm and press Ctrl+f, then you will get a search function. type ACE, the search function will highlight all lines containing ACE. (Its normaly just three lines, if you have removed all ace modules). Remove all lines, save and open the mission in the editor to verify.

  8. I appreciate it guys. If I'm ever able to launch the game again I'll try this out if I'm still having issues. LOL! Hopefully BIS responds to tickets quickly.

    Rough couple of days in the ARMA-verse for me.


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