Asymmetric recruitment and vehicles

  1. 9 years ago

    It doesn't look like the asymmetric recruitment will replace or create new technical/offroad patrols when using FIA as the faction. Is there a recommended way to have the asymmetric faction continuously create new motorized (or other non-light infantry) units? Bonus points if it can factor in the default recruitment system.

  2. Bonus points if it can factor in the default recruitment system.

    You could tap into ALiVE's event system and (with a % chance or w/e condition) spawn a vehicle or create a vehicle recruitment loop everytime a recruitment HQ is created. Can post more later (on mobile atm)

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Alrightly, whipped up a template to use.

    You must register this file as a function and then change the

    #define MAINCLASS Sample_fnc_vehicleReinforcements

    line to whatever you name the function.

    Then, in some other script file (initServer.sqf will do), call the creation of the object and give it the asymmetric commander's faction

    Sample_vehicleReinforcementsHandler = [nil,"create"] call Sample_fnc_vehicleReinforcements;
    [Sample_vehicleReinforcementsHandler,"faction", "Asymmetric_faction_here"] call Sample_fnc_vehicleReinforcements;

    Now the object is created and will start being referred to when the asymmetric commander reserves a location (how recruitment HQ's are created). The only section of code that you need to edit is the

    case "OPCOM_Reserve"

    switch case.

    I have already put a little bit of helpful information there regarding the objective that get's passed to the operation call. Insert whatever code you wish to use after //-- INSERT CODE HERE

    Make sure all of this is done on the server, and not on clients.

  4. Would be cool to integrate this into Alive. Had no idea the insurgents couldn't spawn vehicles! Probably got confused by the technicals sitting at roadblocks.

  5. Thanks @SpyderBlack723, this is really helpful.


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