Just change the 2000
in the script to whatever radius you want. That radius is the area around the intel object that insurgent installations will be revealed (temp).
Can't wait for your next iteration of Spyder addons by the way mate!
Me Too (WIP)
Just change the 2000
in the script to whatever radius you want. That radius is the area around the intel object that insurgent installations will be revealed (temp).
Can't wait for your next iteration of Spyder addons by the way mate!
Me Too (WIP)
Spyder you goddam tease...
And the percent chance of Intel? Would this be "75% percent of bodies have Intel?"
["INS_DropRate",75] ) > (random 100) )
As seen above. So 75 for 75% of dead bodies? 10 for 10% of bodies?
It would be a 75% chance
Read like: if (75 > (random number between 0-100)) then {drop that intel};
Just given this a whirl and I'm not seeing anything yet. To double check, bodies should spawn intel on death on the ground nearby, which when picked up reveals installations on the map?
@HeroesandvillainsOS And the percent chance of Intel? Would this be "75% percent of bodies have Intel?"
["INS_DropRate",75] ) > (random 100) )As seen above. So 75 for 75% of dead bodies? 10 for 10% of bodies?
Screwed up right here the missionNamespace setVariable should be the percentage you want intel to spawn
@incontinenetia Just given this a whirl and I'm not seeing anything yet. To double check, bodies should spawn intel on death on the ground nearby, which when picked up reveals installations on the map?
Yes, with @SpyderBlack723's adjustments
Okay cool, I'll have a play. Haven't found anything yet but will keep testing. Cheers again Dixon!
I've played around with it and I keep getting the following error:
'...HINT _EH",[format["Intel has been found",|#|]]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; }]; ...' Error Missing [
Try this, formatting is horrendous since I'm on mobile but it should work regardless. (Can fix later)
params ["_unit"]; _unit addEventHandler["Killed", { params["_unit","_killer"]; if ((missionNamespace getVariable ["INS_DropRate",75]) > (random 100)) then { _pos = [_unit, (random 3), (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _intelObject = "Land_Suitcase_F" createVehicle _pos; params[["_object",objNull]]; [-1, { _this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Pickup Intel</t>",{ _intel = _this select 0; deleteVehicle _intel; [getPos _intel,2000] call ALIVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations; if ((hasInterface) && !(isDedicated) && (local player) && (side player == WEST)) then { ["INS_HINT_EH",[format["Intel has been found",]]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; }]; }, _object] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; }; }];
Same error unfortunately. It's going to be something ridiculous!
I'll look at it more tomorrow, should be an easy fix
I look forward to the fix (knowing ARMA it's probably a comma or something). I killed the entire Taliban and rid the world of terrorism but I haven't had any Intel drops yet.
params [["_unit",objNull]]; _unit addEventHandler["Killed", { params["_unit","_killer"]; private _percentage = 10; if (_percentage > (random 100)) then { _pos = [_unit, (random 3), (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _intelObject = "Land_Suitcase_F" createVehicle _pos; [-1, { _this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Pickup Intel</t>",{ _intel = _this select 0; deleteVehicle _intel; [getPos _intel,2000] call ALIVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations; if ((hasInterface) && !(isDedicated) && (local player) && (side player == WEST)) then { ["INS_HINT_EH",["Intel has been found"]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; }]; }, _intelObject] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; }; }];
Should be fixed now. Change the '_percentage' variable to change the chance intel will spawn.
Dixon, it works perfectly! Thanks so much buddy.
Yes!!!! Ha! Nice. I look forward to putting the new script in tonight. Spyder and Dixon, thanks a million!
if ((missionNamespace getVariable ["INS_DropRate",75]) > (random 100)) then
This was from another mission I was working on and it's for a parameter forgot to remove this and change.
Have fun with these scripts :D
Cheers Dixon!
Is there any reason they wouldn't work on custom / non-vanilla factions? Like ISC_IS_O from the Iraqi Syrian Conflict mod?
I've tried editing fnc_handlekilled.sqf in the following way without success if ((faction _unit == ISC_IS_O)