Zeus camera causing desync?

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    my Arma unit just recently implemented ALiVE and so far we are pretty pleased. But we had multiple problems with server desyncs/crashes lately... While we are/were used to play with an active Zeus, it is still required to have one in each mission. We realized that browsing around the map with the Zeus camera causes cached units to "materialize". Now this seems to be the problem with the desyncs. If you travel too fast around the map in Zeus camera (holding Shift) the whole mission becomes unstable and desyncs/crashes. It seems hard to reproduce but i just wanted to ask if you could disable that Zeus cam makes groups spawn.

    Any ideas?


  2. This is a feature built into ALiVE. I guess we could have a discussion here whether this feature should still be kept or not?

  3. Or maybe this could be something that can be turned on or off in the ALiVE Required module?

  4. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If it causes crashes having an option to leave it on doesn't help anyone. It will just cause more confusion.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    The feature itself does not cause crashes, it's the combination of having a large amount of profiles on the map and moving too quickly around the map.

    For a temp solution, the code uses distance as opposed to distance2D, meaning if you go high enough to maneuver around the map then the units won't spawn.

    For ex. if your spawn distance is 1500, if you move the camera atleast 1500 above the nearest point of ground then the units will not spawn.

  6. Ok, thanks for the info/workaround.

  7. I've experienced the same thing, often without that many profiles, occasionally just using zeus is enough to crash. I expect it's more just an arma thing than anything else. Thanks for the tip on height Spyder. As usual you're a saviour.


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