Respawn empty vehicles

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi, when he entered the viewing distance, spawn unit (armored, motorized, etc) this work fine, I walk away from the viewing area and back to the area, spawn empty vehicles, no units!!!

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN


    edit: can you provide some more info? It sounds like you are saying when you move within spawn range for the 2nd time the units spawn in only vehicles? I've never seen this before... what modset are you using? What happens with infantry only groups?

  3. I was really confused! I really thought that was you, "CDN." Whoever you are...


  5. I'm seeing double

    If the vehicles are clashing against each other then that may be the cause. Currently, if vehicles flip around on spawn then the crew is not spawned.

  6. hahahah impostor!!!!!
    hi , thanks for reply.... custom module (infantry and motorized) and spawn units fine, but leave zone and re-enter the zone units (infantry) spawn correctly but vehicles (motorized) is empty!!!
    sorry for my bad english!!!

  7. mod´s = Alive, ace3, cba, mcc_sandbox and rhs (sfrf+usf)
    Faction: IND_F (custom module placement+ai commander+logistic)

  8. @ fake Savage - does it do this consistently? ie: this happens to every motorized group or is it just on occasion? As Spyder said this can happen if the vehicle spawns in and flips over or freaks out in any fashion (yay BIS physics) - ALiVE will not spawn any crew inside.

    If it happens to every group can I ask you to try with just CBA and ALiVE loaded (ie: no RHS, ACE, MCC)?

  9. Hi brother!!! only in some groups, I will try disabling the mods as you said!!! thanks for reply!!!


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