Logistics (Air Drop)

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi, how to add RHS vehicles in Logistic/Air Drop/Car ?

  2. Deleted 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  3. I put the classname of vehicles into the module (player combat logistic > whitelist). I not sure how put the command on the whitelist:


    when open Logistic Support > Air Drop > Vehicles > Armored or Cars is empty

    thanks for your help

  4. Try using the classname of one of the editor vehicles instead of the base class

    for ex.
    instead of

    No idea if that's even the classname for the hunter but just an example

  5. Deleted 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  6. Now I understand that , the logistic module only working with the specific faction.
    i have discovered, for example... for PG_Services (PMC Faction)
    (Trick: enter config viewer > +CfgFactionClasses and search a faction "PG_Services" (side = 2; ind?) and "PG_Services_B" (side = 1; Blu) this last work for me)
    i put on all module custom faction: "PG_Services_B".
    and the Player Combat Logistics Module put on whitelist: PMC_Offroad_Armed_B
    and everything works perfectly. thanks for orientation.

  7. Strange, this works for me by just having the logistics modules synced to a commander that has control over the factions from the vehicles.


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