@SavageCDN Back-of-the-napkin attempt on the fly:
1 - create a text file
2 - rename it to A3server.bat (make sure you have show file extensions enabled in Windows)
3 - right-click and edit
4 - paste this:
start "" /wait "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -port=2402 -profiles=c:\pathto\profile -config=C:\pathto\server.cfg -cfg=c:\pathto\basic.cfg -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=2048 -exThreads=7 -maxplayers=32 -noFilePatching -noLogs -mod=@cba_a3;@alive
Obviously you need to change file paths, etc to suit your setup. See here for more info re: startup params
Not all params are required ie: don't use -port param and it will default to 2302
Thanks. It seems like the principals are the same in your example as they are in the link Autigergrad posted, but they do look pretty different.
start "Headless" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -connect=localhost -port=**** -client -nosound -password=**** -name=HC -profile=HC "-mod=@allinarmaterrainpack;@asdg_jr;@cba_a3;@hlc_ar15;@hlcmods_m14;@hlcmods_core;@rh_pistol_a3;@rhs_afrf3;@rhs_usf3;@sthud_a3;@task_force_radio;@tryk;@k_mnp;@clafghan;@alive;@hlcmods_m60e4;@FHQ_Accessories;@agm;@asr_ai3;@rds;@cup;rds_tank;@cha_mi24;@mec;@rds;@cup;@rds_tank;@cha_mi24;@mb_rocks;@mb_veg_adv;@opx_objects;@razmisc"
Not to mention the server.cfg stuff and all that.
I'll see what I can come up with. I assumed since TADST has a Headless Client check box, all I would need to do is tick it but of course it's not that easy. LOL.