Multiple OPFOR & BLUFOR commanders not loading

  1. 9 years ago

    I had around three OPFOR commanders with multiple separate civilian and military placement modules and two BLUFOR commanders with different civilian and military placement modules.

    Now when I go to load up this game it can be left on for up to thirty minutes with it still on the loading screen. It works perfectly fine with OPFOR only and one BLUFOR but with another BLUFOR commander of various different including default units it doesn't load.

    On large TAOR's I had a company size which was two TAORS and the rest of my TAORs were platoon size.

    What could cause this? (On Takistan map)

  2. Were the two BLUFOR commanders of the same faction?

  3. @SpyderBlack723 Were the two BLUFOR commanders of the same faction?

    No the CUP Great Britain and USMC factions


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