HeadlessClients Support (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Hello AliveTeam,

    big congrats to the 1.0Release.
    But version 1.0 or 0.6 or 2.0 doesnt matter, never find a modificaton with so much dynamic!
    Thanks for all this playstuff.

    @SavageCDN i update after 2 weeks the BI thread maybe its for interest.
    Iam was not sure wether begin here a new thread for this.
    Now iam back to my AliveMissions after find the problem for the other thread.

    Most Missions now worked or going in the right way for dedicated servers environment but at all i have a few issues.
    Maybe its my knowledge about how Alive worked with Headless Clients so i dont want call this a bug or something.
    I try to explain.

    I use for all my performance tests ASM to see clearly CPS worked in which situations.
    And AI is local or Remote.
    When i use Zeus (in most missions) then i need a HC script to transfer this units, cause you all know why, client performance is not good after a while, setOwner problem. This worked really good, i can see AI switch in ASM from AILocal to AIRemote on server and on the HC ASM i see the AI switch from AIRemote to AILocal.
    Anyway, maybe i have not the knowledge about Alive worked, but when i dont use this switch unit to HC script and only Alive and CBA and maybe 3 HCs there are all AI evertime on AILocal server in the ASM view.
    Mission start with 60Units Local to Server, without cached/virtualize/profiled.
    Then i go in Zeus and fly to a biger town where maybe are 15Civis and 30Units.
    Now in ASM my localAI count get higher, but in everycase on HC stay at AIRemote.
    The HC are everytime on 50CPS and have not really things to do.

    What i have tried:
    Of course init.sqf for initialize the HC.
    The set count script snippet and the pushback i have tried. Here in the forum the last sentence is that Alive do this now automatic.
    I tried all combinations of course the things from Dixon in another thread.
    Maybe, Alive worked others with HC? AI calculation only, but stay local to Server?

    This was my first question.

    CS Module dont work at all with HeadlessClient script.
    I need the Zeus tool to adjust some things in Mission. The Profiling on the fly is a very good thing, but in such situations i want decide self which way the AI should go and then i dont Profile this Units, but they stay without the HC script on my client, this is not usable at all for me. When i use the script all worked. Except all from the Combat Support.
    I have the same problem like Moon in his thread with VComAI, and go back to ASR AI cause the setVariable dont work in all combinations, now it fixed, thanks at the guys ;)
    But the other problem exists anywhere, i have not the right solution to exclude the CS module from the HC script.
    With other Units it worked good. Iam sure you know this HC script with round robin hc_blacklist and so on.
    What i have try so far:
    The same like the setVariable at the VcomAI for each unit.
    I have tried it in the same Array, i have try it with the same code snippet like Vcomai but next to this init code.
    I have try the advanced manuel vehicle placement from the wiki.
    But at all, Arty dont shoot, CAS stuck in the sky, only fly to the point or back to RTB.
    Transport wont land at all.
    Deactivate the script all worked, except the first explanation above, HeadlessClient do nothing, all stay local and i cannot use Zeus for spawn units.
    So i dont know, Zeus or not Zeus then i have CS for the players. Or otherwise.....
    Maybe you see the problem.


    This is maybe total offtopic to my own topic, but from my view is this point the important thing ever, not only for me, except for much more people, i mean this Topic.

    SavageCDN, SpyderBlack723 maybe you know for weeks my first post for the background at the warroom homepage.
    I talk a many stuff that was not direct related to the topic and i meant this is more a issue on my site.
    Additional my second post (same thread), where i moved it to the BI forums (i updated today)

    The problem is one that i have constantly on my own issue tracker to remove and/or worked at it.
    Iam aware of the sense of the basic.cfg and the network parameters.
    Now on the new Hardware the other problems before are gone, this stay in all my missions and it doesnt matter what kind of mission or mod/scripts. I try to explain and i have tried in other threads and you can all this in other word/view in many threads reading.
    I dont think its really realated to Alive or ACE or CBA. I mean JerkinMerkin pointed this good in this thread.

    I go further and say this is a problem that occur when a few numbers wrong in basic.cfg for the wrong mission setup or/and hardware. But what he describe have i know (read the other threads) on some different hardware and really much tests at rentet server virtual, dedicated and at my test environment at home.
    I can reproduce the issue with or without mods. With everykind of network params/configs.
    You can produce this issue with default basic.cfg really fast and with tweaking and other numbers you can improve the performance and time before the issue come up.
    What i do for the error.
    A caching solution like Alive/CBA/MCC (dont know i think all use the same or?)
    In this example i use only Alive of course CBA.
    Map chernarus but doesnt matter. A really smooth modul configuration.
    Civil placement only middle and bigger towns, limiter 15 or maybe 20.
    Mil or Civ placement only place 100 units
    Virtual AI Modul two times Blu/opfor
    Second Mil or Civ placemnt 100 units
    Maybe 1500 or 2000m radius to get the units from the cache to the "player world"

    With "good" network configs in basic.cfg you can with a little bit caution fly in Zeus from town to town.
    At my left i look at the CPS with ASM. Everytime i come in the Radius script starts and CPS is going down and after that up.
    Now the Civis and Units popped up and do there things.
    Now i want to go to the next town. First the units must back to the cache, scripts started CPS going down, and up.
    Now at the next town the same. All fine, but this is with minimal setup and the important thing is -> i fly with caution.

    Now i want do this like youtube videos, or a video from Alive but there was i think thousands of profiles.
    I go to town, units popped out, CPS going down, i fly to the next, next script wave all units back to cache, same time, next town all units out iam a little bit more aggressive, after town 2-3-4 Server crashed CPS 0.

    My own suggestion. When i give the Engine the opputunity to "can" send more messages, then i can reduce this issue significant.
    But its still there. I can also confirm like JerkinMerkin said, that the server is sometime crashing/freezing, maybe 10minutes, maybe one camera zeus fly to a town only 60units popped up or the server stay up over night.
    In all cases are not more than 1 or 2 player for tests online, most time nobody.
    This issue not come up when i make a mission without a caching function, when all units everytime there.
    And for me it doesnt matter which mod/script or hardware only with basic.cfg i can give more playroom.
    Excessive using units cache in cache out, let this issue reproduce for me.

    Thanks for reading
    Stay tuned at your fantastic work

    p.s. Of course i can provide all kind of logs rpts or something, but its much i when you need please say which ones.
    Additional i can provide a Server for testing, replicate or something like that, in all kind of ways. Maybe this is a Help in some ways :)
    Sry for my english :<

  2. Thanks for the detailed post, Timeless. The ALiVE team is currently testing the server freeze issue and hopefully it will be resolved shortly. With regards to the CS module and HC - I believe this is a known issue and should be fixed in the next release.


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