How to load a saved mission? (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Fuhajins

    Hello, i did follow the TADST and ALIVE war room instructions about setting up a server.

    I can join fine, i can see stats on the website, kills and missions played. I think it is saving when i do press save and exit -image- (?).

    However, i searched the wiki and the forums and did not find it out: How i do resume any mission?
    It does talk about .pbo names and some .rpt files from the @AliveServer. I am not sure to understand what to do.
    Is there a button i should press or some file i should grab from the website?

  2. Does the server exit when saving? (Means it was successful)

    If so, simply relaunch the mission as usual and it should restore all persisted features.

  3. Yes it does, it return me back into the slot selection. But if i do quit and launch again, it restart the whole mission.

    Anyway, for example the website told me to find : /@ALiVEServer/aliveplugin_DATESTAMP.log but i can't find where it is. Is this related to the problem?

  4. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If your mission is successfully server save and exiting, and your mission is showing up as an operation on war room, your mission is still "continuing." The PBO/mission name is what's being loaded.

    I had the same question too when I first started. Be sure you have all of the persistent options (that you want persisted) set to "yes" in all the modules, especially ALiVE Player Data. I turn it on in all the modules myself.

    The easiest way to verify the mission has continued is to look at the time of day when you save and when you continue.

  5. Deleted 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  6. Thank you, i'll check this.
    Before doing i did try again and Persistence is working a bit. Only the vehicles i moved around seems to stay, everything else does reset.

    I have linked (f5 in the old editor) the player data to the alive data, like it is said in the wiki. It this the good way?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Fuhajins Thank you, i'll check this.
    Before doing i did try again and Persistence is working a bit. Only the vehicles i moved around seems to stay, everything else does reset.

    I have linked (f5 in the old editor) the player data to the alive data, like it is said in the wiki. It this the good way?

    No. Do not link or sync them to anything. Gonna check the wiki now because I'm not sure where you got that.

    Go through all the modules and if it says persistence, turn it to yes. Read carefully because some of them to persist need to say no if I recall. I personally even turn on persistence for the Military Commander modules and CQB module too. If it persists, I have it on.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by Fuhajins

    Does not work, only the Vehicle i used seems to stay. Inventory, tasks does not load. The war room told me where i left my vehicle and when, but i still spawn in the base fully loaded. Time 4:17 in game when the mission started it was 4:05.

    Maybe i misunderstood the mod with my bad enligsh knowledge. Hand placed tasks wont work, only ALIVE tasks will? Does the hand placed AI work? Or only virtualized will be saved ? Next time i'll try to completely remove some AI group with zeus or whatnot to see if they are still there after reboot.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Could you share a screenshot of your ALiVE Data module settings please? And list all the modules you have placed? The more screenshots the better.

  10. Hand placed AI should save and load. I place my own all the time. I've never made my own tasks and I've never tested C21STAR tasking persistence, just an FYI.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Tasks are NOT persistent

  12. Deleted 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  13. Sorry my bad.... C2ISTAR tasks should be persistent if setup properly.

  14. This is my player options:
    player options
    The ALIVE data:
    ALIVE data
    And my spawn:

    Vehicles persistence, time, ALIVE AI does work. But i always respawn into the spawn fully loaded. Maybe it is only me. I'll try with my friends next time when they can play.

  15. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    That all looks good, actually. So the only issue you're having right now is your ammo/grenade/etc. count then? Everything else is persisting?

  16. Yes the other stuff seems to be there, just the inventory and spawn location is reset. But well, ALIVE AI persistence seems to be there so i'am rather happy.

    But i guess i cannot use time condition triggers. So if i put some AI and tell them to patrol when the player is close.
    This will work? The AI wont respawn at mission restart after i killed them ?

    If i use a trigger to spawn the AI when the player come close then making him patrol, the AI will spawn at every mission start, right?

    Thank you for the help anyway.!

  17. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if you kill a manually placed AI, he will be dead and gone forever. But I honestly don't know and that's a great question. I know for sure the ones not killed will spawn on continuing a mission so the trigger you placed should always work as long as AI are present. But your killed AI question is a good one! And whether or not syncing them to the Virtual AI module has any bearing on that I also do not know.

    Looking forward to someone getting you an answer on that! :)

    Regarding the loadout persisting ammo and stuff that should save/load. Not sure what's going on there either.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I guess as SavageCDN said in the other thread to me, you could always try adding respawnOnStart = 0; in your description.ext and see if that helps. That should cause you to not run through the process of respawning but force it to read your respawn script which in this case would be your marker I would think (assuming your respawn_Guer marker is where you want to always spawn when you continue your mission). Use -1 if you want to respawn in your saved location.

    If you use custom gear, is any of your saved gear loading at all right now? I have a totally unproven theory that when respawn is being run its resetting gear completely. I have to test this.

  19. Gear does not load yes, i drop my rifle everytime and it comes back when i do spawn.
    But i just noticed if i do "player save", "exit", then comeback without shutting down the server: it does works.

  20. Edited 9 years ago by Fuhajins

    I got it to work. First i logged admin and left as admin after saving, then relogged as admin.

    Thank you everybody !


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