Setting artillery ILLUM or SMOKE round amount to 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 (and HE to _any_) and firing the available amount with a full volley (1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 depending on the set amount) will after
- firing ILLUM
- make HE rounds disappear from the Ordnance list
Doing in that order also gives 2 times the amount of ILLUM rounds available than what was initially set. This means that setting for example 6 rounds of ILLUM will actually make 2 * 6 = 12 rounds available.
(cnt'd)...will after
- firing SMOKE
- make HE rounds disappear from the Ordnance list
- after the second volley of SMOKE make ILLUM rounds disappear from the Ordnance list
Doing in that order also gives 3 times the amount of SMOKE rounds available than what was initially set. This means that setting for example 6 rounds of SMOKE will actually make 3 * 6 = 18 rounds available.
Tested with Arma 1.56, CBA and ALiVE 1.0 in use.
Also this was tested only with Arty/Mortar type O_Mortar_01_F thinking that this out of anything else would have the least to do with the earlier described behavior.