Small group play

  1. 9 years ago

    Hello all! I am new to the modding ALIVE scene. Going to try my hand at missions now with the release of Eden. I'm looking for some guidance. I watched I would say most of the videos on Alive and how it works. I feel confident I could make a mission.

    My question revolves around typically its just me and a buddy that play. I will host a server through the arma 3 client and we will play whatever we feel like. DUWS, WLA, various missions, etc. We really enjoy the dynamic "take over the map" play those provide. I have one other friend who plays, but he hasn't joined us yet.

    How can I make Alive work for us? Would you recommend smaller situations like 4-5 towns/objectives via taors? With everything you can do in ALIVE I fear taking on a whole Altis domination would be too much for just 2 of us considering all the logistics/mechanics in play. Not to mention it would kill my PC right?

    What's the best way for me to host it? I've seen some people say the do TADST, and I think there's a video of how to use arma 3 server to still run the server off your PC while you run the client on the side.

    I tried doing the Zargaband Alive mission that is on the workshop. In single player I was pulled down to 30fps, when I usually run at 58-60. Is that possibly a problem with that mission? I don't have that issue in other missions.

    I have:
    AMD FX-8350 Black 8 core 4 GHZ
    ASUS Sabertooth 99FX R2 Motherboard
    EVGA Geforce GTX 760 4GB 256bit GDDR5 PCI express 3 card
    16GB of GSKILL DDR3 1600 RAM
    Samsung 850 Pro 256GB SATA 3 SSD

    I typically run with the CPU count 8, -high, I think I give it 3gb of video ram, feed it 8gb of the RAM, etc.

    I can make normal missions for us to do, but at the end of the day I would get bored because I created them. So I would know where all the bad guys are, and what to expect. That's what I like about these dynamic generators. My buddy and I can enjoy and BOTH be surprised.

    Anyhow. GREAT Mod you guys have made here. Thank you in advance for any help!

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I have a lot of advice and it will take me awhile to write. I only ever play alone (sometimes seldomly in a small group but usually alone) but I think some of the principals I use would work for you all. I'll pop back in tomorrow and write you something which is probably too long. :)

  3. Thanks man. I'll take any advice I can get! I played the tour scenario, and the first scenario a little last night in single player. My squad almost got wiped out sadly lol. BTR caught us in the open.

    Additional question. What happens when you clear out a military objective. Does it flip to blue? Do they set up a small camp? or do you have to move the supplies over yourself for a F0B?

    Looking forward to your advice Sir!

  4. First things first, bare in mind I'm the most active idiot on the forums. :) Second things second I use and adore TADST so here's a link to a post I compiled for how to get yourself setup.

    SP is not recommended if you want to use the full ALiVE suite. TADST is a dedicated server tool which will allow you to enable persistence in your mission(s) and save your progress to ALiVE's War Room. This ensures good performance and the ability to "save" and "load" while using multiplayer. For me, persistence is key. I hate the idea of my mission progress not saving so this alone is brilliant for my needs. When I'm done for the night I "server save and exit" and the next day I can continue my mission again. It's awesome.

    When I first got into ALiVE, Autigergrad (mission maker. All around good dude. He has some missions here and on BIS and Workshop) turned me on to Assymetrical insurgency missions. You can learn more about Assymetrical missions here:

    So this is really all I can speak to. It's my favorite mission type and really the only thing I play. It's also excellent for solo players and small groups because there's more to do than just kill dudes. What I try to do is replicate the war in Afghanistan circa 2009(ish). Good guys versus the Taliban. Also excellent for small groups because they really shouldn't be overpowering you unless they overwhelm you with numbers.

    What I like to do when I make my missions (I have one in the mission template thread. Two more coming soon) is to group 5-6 "playable" units to me. These are generally my AI teammates, but I leave them on "playable" in the event I make some friends someday that want to play with me. :) But it also ensures I am never out there alone. I also use SpyderAddons in all my missions, not only because it adds so much life to ALiVE (ambience, conversation trees with civs, etc), but because it also allows me to have an AI spawner in the event I need more warm bodies to tackle an objective and also a vehicle spawner too:

    Sorry if the next bit of stuff is a little inside baseball. What I like to do when making my missions is to place a "safe zone" around my base. A decent size TAOR so when I get going initially I'm not immediately inundated with OPFOR. Generally I'll place the opposing Assymetric side's Military Commander module pretty far away from my base so the insurgency starts as far away from my base as possible. When the mission starts my "job" is to go around interrogating civilians in the nearby towns, trying to get a leg up on where OPFOR is doing its dirty work.

    For my side's Military Commander I like to have more units than the OPFOR side to start. So I start out a little more powerful. OPFOR will recruit more units from the civilian population as things get going (Civilian Population and Civilian Placement Modules are required for this. I usually place several Civilian Placement modules so the missions are jam packed with civs. OPFOR can recruit a ton of you're not careful).

    Once the basics of the mission is made, I then like to manually add some more enemies (syncing them to the virtual AI module) as far away from my base as possible too. This simulates a 'the further from base you go, the more dangerous the game gets' kind of thing. I then like to pair that with a high priority custom objective module on the other end of the map too. This increases the likelihood of OPFOR being numerous on the opposite end of the map.

    After placing all the modules and having a basic functioning mission going, the first thing I do is debug the virtual AI module. I then enter the mission and look at the map. Areas populated by BLUFOR and OPFOR will start lighting up. I take note of the empty areas. I then exit out and do this a few more times. If certain areas of the map never get populated by OPFOR, I'll generally place some custom objectives over these dead areas. Or, if the dead areas are only in the hills/valleys, I'll place markers over those spots, add another military objective module for OPFOR, set "random camps to medium, whitelist the module to only populate enemies in those areas. This means any area on the map *can* be dangerous.

    Because I'm usually playing alone, and also because I'm trying to replicate a very specific kind of real life terrorism mission, I don't generally like to let either side use a ton of air vehicles or tanks or what have you. I keep it mostly infantry and light vehicle based. I'm also not a particularly good player. Lately I've been messing around with more conventional all-out-warfare missions too so I hope in the future I'll be able to balance those to a more SP/small group oriented experience as well. But for now, setting that kind of thing up is a little out of my league.

    I have a lot more I could say and many more proncipals I could share but I don't want to overwhelm or confuse you. If you have any specific questions let me know and I'll do my best to help.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh regarding your question about what happens in a conventional battle when an area is clear, I think the area just becomes cleared and it's up to you to reinforce it with troops (you can change the waypoints of a nearby squad under the "operations" tab or request troops to travel there via the logistics module and setting them to "reinforce.")

    I'm not sure about any color changes or what have you.

    In an Assymetric mission the area generally just gets more populated by civs and becomes peaceful.

    I usually just place ALiVE custom markers on the map and make a note about the time I cleared the area.

    And yes, you can definitely make a FOB of sorts. Though I'm not sure if you have access to base building material from the ALiVE tablet. Would be cool if you could though!

    When ALiVE updates again, I plan on taking Spyder's Operation Landlord and tinkering it a bit to suit my style. It's a conventional battle on Altis and is pretty fun. I'll finish up my own Assymetric missions and move onto that. I should have a better grasp on those kinds of conventional missions then.

  6. Thanks so much man! I understand most of what you're saying. I'll be happy to read any more you have, I'm pretty good at soaking it in. I'm in IT so I get the static IP, etc. in setting up the server and stuff. I haven't actually made an alive mission yet, so I think all of that will make more sense once I get my hands on it more.

    I'll happily take any more advice you have, and anyone else that has comments.

    Question: Since I'm running with the command cpuCount=8 do I need to bring that down to 6 to that there will be cores for TADST to use?

  7. Is there a way to not have to restart steam every time you want to change the mission? Because it says you have to have steam closed, start the dedicated server, then open steam and play. Do you typically load multiple mods and missions when you start it, and then change to whichever one you feel like? Or do you have a different profile for each, and hop out and restart each time you want to play a different mission?

    Also, if I'm playing a mission that doesn't necessarily need RHS, or say CUP, but I have them activated in the mod list, so if I want to switch to a mission that does is that going to mess the mission that doesn't need them up?

  8. I'm not particularly fond of the steam launcher. I do use it though and here is what I do.

    I launch the game through Steam with only the required mods for the mission enabled in the launcher. However, this should be painless enough because you can create different mod lists for all the different missions you play. Take a look at the top right corner of the launcher itself. Notice how you can save presets. I have several saved. One for each of the missions I play.

    I then start the TADST server.

    When the mission is done or I want to stop, I close the game, close the server, go back to the launcher, select the saved mod list for the mission I want to play. Launch the game and rinse and repeat.

    It is never good practice to launch the game with mods you don't plan on using. There are exceptions to this for mission making making and editing but generally, you should never ever launch with mods you won't be using.

  9. So I just did a test to get it all up and going. I ran Operation Landlord, and got it up and running. I had RHS/CUP going too. Mission seemed to run fine. I didn't see many enemies, but I think that's because they are on the east half of the map. I teleported to the airfield and got obliterated lol. I just wanted to bounce around the map to better understand what Alive was doing.

    I did the Alive server save and exit, so I'm betting it saved it. I'll have to check later.

    The only problem I had was that when I called for logistics and an airdrop of a Standwall with the hole in it (cant remember what its called) the airdrop never came. Now I didn't test it with any other things that I could air drop, so it could just be that item. Any ideas there?

    I also didn't run the RHS Landlord now that I think of it. So that could have been it.

    Anyhow, excited I got it going. I might come back later and run through the tutorials to create my own basic mission so I can start getting a better feel for what the modules do. And to make one that has a lower load time lol (I know landlord is full map altis and that's what took so long)

    Thanks for all the advice, I'll keep taking any you have!

    (oh and yes I know about the presets. I meant do you turn the dedicated server on with mods loaded for all the missions you want to play. Not the launcher)

  10. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    The dedicated server (the server) and the launcher (the client) should run the exact same mods in the exact same order and nothing else, with the exception of any mods that are only supposed to be run on the client (ex. ShacktackUI, Dragonfyre, etc). The only exception being @aliveserver which needs to be run on the server only (and placed last in the load order!) if you want to use persistence.

    Seriously, don't run mods on either the client or server the the mission itself is not using.

    Don't be surprised if persistence is actually not working! A new error caused by CBA 2.3.1 is causing issue with persistence and also causing the initial load time length to be significantly longer.

    Logistics will use vanilla assets by default. There is a workaround for this here if you so choose:

    I'm not sure why your paradrop didn't come. I'll try it myself in Op Landlord later if I think of it but as far as I know it should be working. EDIT: What's a standwall?

  11. Oh. Speaking of Operation Landlord, I'll be editing it slightly for myself at some point. I plan on adding in ambient civilians and SpyderAddons for ambient animals and stuff, and also catering it a bit for SP (in MP) play. I can share it with you if you want when I'm done. No ETA yet but it's happening.

  12. Load order....Say WHAAAAAAAAaaat!? Luckily I know LO well after modding the crap out of every Bethesda game for the last 8 years. I didn't realize that load order mattered for arma, as I thought each mod was loaded independently of one another. I'm sure I can figure out how to manage that now that I know its possible.

    What's the general rule. Top loads first, bottom loads last? So start with your DLC, then the big game changers like CBA and Alive, then all of the extras like RHS, CUP after?

    And definitely I will be happy to try out Landlord with your changes whenever its available. I might add some things too. Like maybe an AH-9 at the beginning. My goal is to eventually make my own base, and start from it.

    That bites about the CBA bug. Any fix on the horizon? Is it an issue with CBA or something the Alive team is going to have to change in their code? Yeah that load time was killer. I thought it was just because OLL is a full scale map.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Load order should be:

    1. Game changing mods (CBA always first, then ALiVE, ACE, etc).
    2. Mods that require those game changing mods (such as Spyder Addons)
    3. Non-required client-side only mods (like Shacktack UI, Full Screen Night Vision, Dragonfyre, etc)
    4. Unit packs
    5. Maps

    Apparently the CBA fix is already done in-house. Alive devs fixed it. We just have to wait for the release. I wouldn't get too too excited for a drastically better load time on Op Landlord after the patch, but it should be much more bareable.

    Careful building your first base. That's how it starts. Your friends and family will never see you again. You've been warned :)

  14. So I followed step by step the "simple mission" tutorial vids in order to get used to it. I translated most of it across to the new modules, and I think it all made sense.

    Now I think I'm going to actually try adding some description.txt stuff like respawn and revive, and once I have that down make a mission. Probably going to do conventional Invade/Invade or Invade/Occupy on Essker or maybe stratis.

    The only issue I ran into was Player Combat Logistics. When I was calling for airdrops/convoys/etc it was very unreliable and slow. At one point I had 4x going for 5 minutes and the drop never came. Is this something that is possibly and issue with the CBA stuff?

    Some things that "seemed" to help (I didn't have a lot of time to test)
    1.) Changing the profile speed in the virtual AI from 25% to 100% (what does this setting do? I set it to 25% initially as that's what some of the demo missions have)
    2.) Changing my rank to captain. I just dropped a random player down at the end which was a private. Does rank have any affect on it?
    3.) Turning debug on everything off.

    With those my success rate went up, but it was still kind of hit or miss if the convoy/helo/airdrop would show up. The air drop seemed to take the longest. Also with air drop there would be a lag pause of about 4 seconds when I first placed the order.

    Mods: Alive, spyderaddons, edenenhanced, RHS(both), CUP Core/Maps (mission was an exact copy of the 9 video tutorials on Altis.)

    What determines how long it will take for a supply drop to be processed? CPU time? State of the battle?

    Another question: To my earlier FOB point. So you can request base building materials. So I ordered a convoy. Put a few armored vehicles, inf groups, and some base materials (small bunker, static lmg, etc.) to simulate we had taken over an area and I was building a FOB/FOP. However, when the truck pulled up and I did a "load out" the bunker appeared right under the truck, flipped it up in the air and onto my head killing me. Any way to avoid this?

    How do other people create FOB's when they've taken over a base, or an area they just want to create a post at?


  15. 1.) Changing the profile speed in the virtual AI from 25% to 100% (what does this setting do? I set it to 25% initially as that's what some of the demo missions have)

    This setting controls the speed profiles move at. It is broken in the current build, will be fixed with the next release.

    2.) Changing my rank to captain. I just dropped a random player down at the end which was a private. Does rank have any affect on it?

    This mostly just controls who the AI prefer to follow, but it should never really cause any problems.

    The only issue I ran into was Player Combat Logistics. When I was calling for airdrops/convoys/etc it was very unreliable and slow. At one point I had 4x going for 5 minutes and the drop never came. Is this something that is possibly and issue with the CBA stuff?

    It's a known issue. Sometimes it occurs very quickly, other times not so much.

  16. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'd say in this case, if you're leading an AI squad, make sure you rank higher than your teammates. Pretty sure not doing this was causing me to lose control over my guys when I was dying thanks to the "hidden" points system.

    I'd also love to learn more about how to properly call in and assemble base building material. Would be cool to build an FOB so if you figure it out Woody, please post the solution back here.

  17. Thanks gents! Spyder is there any work around for that? or is that something possibly in the next release. Either way I guess I could try spyderaddons if I need a quick fix. I have it downloaded but haven't tried to use it yet.

    The issue I'm working on now is respawn. I see the respawn options in the "Multiplayer" section. I want to just do a simple respawn_west at the main base. Then have revive turned on so if one of us goes down we can be healed. However that doesn't seem to be working. I got the basic respawn working, but I get the feeling I will need to use the description.txt to do all this yes? There's still not much information on the new eden way of doing it.


    I've got a nice bornholm setup now. Hopefully get to test it with a bud tonight. I'll try to do some more logistics testing to see how to call base building stuff in without killing myself lol.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's been around for a long time and is very erratic so I'm afraid I can't offer much of work around. If we find what's causing it we'll fix it, but it's a strange one.

    As for EDEN attributes, I haven't actually tried them yet. I do all of my work in the description.ext

  19. Thanks for the update Spyder! Yeah I've looked at a few of the demo missions you've done and its helped a lot looking at how you've done the texts. Even the "author" field in the eden editor doesn't seem to work lol. I noticed how to change that in your files.

    Question about Spyderaddons. If I add them does the other player have to have them to join the server as well? Or is it like alive where its only needed by the person who makes the server.

  20. They both need to run on all players as well as the server (ALiVE too). The reason being that both mods need to run functions on clients as well as the server.

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