Player Resupply Custom Insertion Vehicle (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Is there any way to change the uh80 ghosthawk in the player resupply for heli insertion to another type of helicopter as I am using CUP units at the moment and would love to change it to a UH60. Sorry if this has been asked before.

  2. You should be able to do that, as you can change the transport bird to another type very easily.
    I would think it's just a matter of replacing the UH80 editor name with whatever is the equivalent for the CUP UH60.

  3. You know I actually don't think so. This method works for CAS/Transport/Arty choppers but I *think* the resupply is something simulated to spawn near the player that uses vanilla assets. I'm probably wrong though!

  4. You have to run a script staticdata.sqf to change logistic vehicles, ammo crates found at objectives etc.
    Spyder has one on here somewhere you can use i think.

  5. 8 years ago

    Thanks chaps will look into that :)

  6. I'll try looking for it here in a bit.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    As usual with everytime this topic comes up, I couldn't find my previous post :(


    execVM "staticData.sqf";


    if all you want to change is the aerial resupply vehicle, your staticData.sqf can be as short as this

    You'll just need to change OPF_F to the faction that will use the helicopter, and the ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F","O_Heli_Light_02_F"] to ["uh60_classname"]. Substituting uh60_classname with the classname for the wanted helicopter.

  8. @SpyderBlack723 As usual with everytime this topic comes up, I couldn't find my previous post :(


    execVM "staticData.sqf";


    if all you want to change is the aerial resupply vehicle, your staticData.sqf can be as short as this

    You'll just need to change OPF_F to the faction that will use the helicopter, and the ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F","O_Heli_Light_02_F"] to ["uh60_classname"]. Substituting uh60_classname with the classname for the wanted helicopter.

    Remember that secretary I said you needed? You need it. ;)

  9. Thank you for that makes my mission a bit more plausible:)


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