Bugs with mission - Please Help (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Please help me - Me and my group are really trying to use ALiVE for our operations, I don't know if it's ALiVE or not... It's a great mod but we have had countless bugs with our server modset that has made us loose members. First off, the mission loading times are 10 min+ on ALiVE. We're using RHS VDV for the faction. Our modset: ACE, ALiVE, CBA, CUP Terrains and core, EricJ Blackhawks, MCC, Leights Opfor, F/A-18, Task Force Radio, Mission Enhanced Little Bird, Task Force 47 Launchers, ASR AI, EWK HMMWV
    s, and DEGA Parachutes. Other than the loading times, you can't join in progress. Players spawn as seagulls. They can hear sounds though. Those are our two main bugs, don't know if you can help us and don't know if I'm posting this in the right place but I'm just so frusterated.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Loading times can be long, some ways to reduce this are filtering out low priority/size objectives in the placement modules when using larger maps such as Altis. The more objectives you have, the longer the mission will take to load. It is also recommended to have someone start the server and get the initial load time out of the way before players start connecting as this will drastically reduce the amount of time it will take players to get into the game.

    Players spawning as seagulls is a known issue that BIS is aware of. It was supposed to be fixed in the latest hotfix, but it appears many players are still experiencing this issue, it is not ALiVE related however.

  3. Appreciate the reply, but is the seagull glitch fixable? Some people can connect, but others, no matter how many times they connect and reconnect, they still spawn as a seagull stuck on a loading screen.

  4. As far as I know, it cannot to be fixed. I have not experienced the issue myself.

  5. Let's hope BIS fixes that seagull issue soon!

    For the long loading times.. as Spyder mentioned have the admin start the mission before the rest of the players.. not the best fix but other than reducing the number of objective locations and/or AI profiles there's not much that can be done.


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