Alive Issues

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi everyone, just a couple of issues I have run into with ALiVE.

    1. No ALiVE support for Icebreakers new map Isla Abramia for A3

    2. Getting a strange issue with animal spawns and ALiVE. Is their a way to disable animal spawns? Because ALiVE goes crazy spawning fish and rabbits and it tanks server performance...

  2. 1 - not yet it will be added to the backlog of to-do maps. Very soon™ community members will be able to index maps themselves.

    2 - There is a way to disable animal spawns however I doubt this is related to ALiVE (ALive does not spawn animals to my knowledge).

  3. after extensively testing every mod I have found that ALiVE IS causing the strange fish spawning.

    The following were taken just using the latest version of CBA and ALiVE.

    Note that if I disable ALiVE the issue goes away...

    And I have tried the disable environment command and it ends in an error every time.

  4. What version of Arma 3 are you running? Are you on Windows or Linux?

    Not seeing this issue on my end.

  5. hmmm.

    Running Arma 3 version 1.56.134787 on Windows.

  6. just found a temporary fix. By running this script I was able to stop all animal spawns including fish.

    true spawn {

    waitUntil {

    {deleteVehicle agent _x;} forEach agents;

    sleep 0.01; false;



  7. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    For the environment spawns: I recommend getting EDEN Enhanced mod. It lets you set stuff like that directly from the settings in the editor and tons of other super awesome necessities for EDEN. Evironment specifically will be under the environment settings under a new tab called Visual Effects.


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