So I've been having this issue for quite awhile now and I'm honestly out of ideas for how to go about fixing it. The specific problem is that occasionally, CSAT or IND Guerillas will spawn even though I'm using a modded force faction in all of my modules.
Originally this was happening with CAF Aggressors, so I changed the faction to CUP Takistani's and the problem still occurs. Basically 90% of the time, the CORRECT faction spawns but occasionally vanilla units will show up instead. I've done quite a bit of troubleshooting on this and at this point I feel like the only way to resolve it would be for a dev to perhaps talk me through the inner workings of how ALiVE works and any additional steps I can take because I'm out of ideas.
My troubleshooting has involved redownloading of the factions completely, redownloadong ALiVE, deleting and replacing every single OPFOR entity and module on the map and removing any ALiVE module or feature and any additional mod throwing errors with no luck. I'm not suggesting all errors are elminated but they're definitely minimized and cleaner than some other people's missions using the same mods as me that don't have this specific problem (example: AuTigerGrad's British Steel on Steam Workshop uses the same mods as me and doesn't have this problem. Best insurgency mission ever IMO but has plenty of errors. I tested it).
I'm willing to do all the leg work here, I just need some guidance because I've tapped out any idea I can think of. Here's a rpt from last night where I backed out of the game the second vanilla units spawned, hoping that the very end of the rpt would have my answer. However I'm assuming I'd need to have a certain module debugged to show the actual cause but I have no idea which one would be the most useful: