Anyone else using ACE/ALiVE/ long does your server stay stable?

  1. 8 years ago

    Just curious.

    I have some pretty massive ALiVe campaigns using all different unit packs...Massi, CUP, 3CB, and RHS.

    Most of them I can run for 24-48 hours on the server with no restart and I won't get any desyncs.

    But, for example, my RHS on Chernaus (CUP Terrains) with ALiVE, Pooter ASR AI, and ACE it's consistently desyncing at about the 60 minute mark.

    I'm just trying to get a feel for what the rest of the ALiVE community is experiencing timeframe wise on their RHS + ACE + ALiVE missions on dedi.

  2. Yeah we go about 24-48 hours before the RAM usage on the server gets too much, but I don't really see much in the way of desyncs or anything at the moment

  3. I suspect it's either RHS or a cup terrains issue. I loaded British Steel up last night. Played for 3 hours straight, player exited, left running all night, came back, played 2 hours on same session this morning. No issues. That mission uses 3CB, AllinArma, CAF aggressors, ACE, ALiVE, ARP objects.

    But I load up Thor's Hammer, using a pretty simple setup of RHS,, Chernaus via CUP, ACE, and ALiVE and it desyncs within 60 minutes every time.

    So by process of elimination, I think it's either CUP terrains or RHS or both.

  4. Had a mission tonight go about 4 hours, and without any sign of desync. But I do recall a time a few versions back when there indeed was desync after just about an hour or so. Same map, mostly the same mods, and similar ALiVE config.

    The only major thing I can think of that is different, is that I'm not bothering with a Headless Client this time around.

  5. @Crapachi Had a mission tonight go about 4 hours, and without any sign of desync. But I do recall a time a few versions back when there indeed was desync after just about an hour or so. Same map, mostly the same mods, and similar ALiVE config.

    The only major thing I can think of that is different, is that I'm not bothering with a Headless Client this time around.

    That might be it. We use Headless Client on our server.

  6. Ok, so I've been experimenting/stress testing on the dedicated server and I have found some interesting results.

    I loaded a mission using only the mods listed above on Stratis and ran desync for hours and hours.

    So I created a new mission on Al Rayak...only adding CUP Terrains and Al Rayak map to the mod list....and I get this RPT spamming over and over and over and over...causing a desync and a log file of almost 18mb after 10 hours or so.

    Error in expression <tive = _profile select 2 select 1;

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile sel>
    Error position: <_active) then {
    _position = _profile sel>
    Error Undefined variable in expression: _active
    Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error position: <!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error !: Type Array, expected Bool
    Error in expression <tive = _profile select 2 select 1;

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile sel>
    Error position: <_active) then {
    _position = _profile sel>
    Error Undefined variable in expression: _active
    Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error position: <!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error !: Type Array, expected Bool
    Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error position: <!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error !: Type Array, expected Bool
    Error in expression <tive = _profile select 2 select 1;

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile sel>
    Error position: <_active) then {
    _position = _profile sel>
    Error Undefined variable in expression: _active

    This looks like an ALiVE error to me. Is that correct? Anyone else seen this? It's the major bugaboo for my issue right now it appears.

  7. What kind of server specs are people running to last campaigns up to 48 hrs?

    I manage to run @CUP_Terrains, @RHS, @ALiVE, @ACE + 15 or so other mods within my unit for up to 6-8 hours before I start to see severe performance decreases.

  8. I was refering to these errors:

    if!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error position: <!(_active) then {
    _position = _profile s>
    Error !: Type Array, expected Bool
    Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;

    You do seem to get a lot of errors, judging by the RPTs you've been posting.

    I'll check out the mission in a bit.

  9. The longest we kept our server up was 175 hours on our current Reshmaan deployment. It was stable but man it was super slow and I had to stay in Zeus on most of a mission just to ensure that the server didn't get overloaded with the dead bodies not despawning.