Callsign = Variable name?

  1. 8 years ago

    I don't suppose the callsign you give one of your combat support units = to it's variable name once it spawns?

    If not is there any way to reference a particular helicopter etc spawned by the combat support module?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Here's a tidbit from the Operations tablet on how to get such information

    _side is a side object
    _veh is a vehicle object
    _name is the callsign string
    _transportArray = NEO_radioLogic getVariable [format ["NEO_radioTrasportArray_%1", _side], []];
        private _veh = _x select 0;
        private _name = _x select 2;
        _sources pushback [_veh,_name]
    } foreach _transportArray;
    _casArray = NEO_radioLogic getVariable [format ["NEO_radioCasArray_%1", _side], []];
        private _veh = _x select 0;
        private _name = _x select 2;
        _sources pushback [_veh,_name]
    } foreach _casArray;

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