This is at the end of the .rpt
18:57:08 Virtual memory total 4095 MiB (4294836224 B)
18:57:08 Virtual memory free 168 MiB (176902144 B)
18:57:08 Physical memory free 8407 MiB (8815915008 B)
18:57:08 Page file free 7029 MiB (7371091968 B)
18:57:08 Process working set 3039 MiB (3187159040 B)
18:57:08 Process page file used 3357 MiB (3520790528 B)
18:57:08 Longest free VM region: 5505024 B
18:57:08 VM busy 4117999616 B (reserved 218562560 B, committed 3899437056 B, mapped 256761856 B), free 176836608 B
18:57:08 Small mapped regions: 39, size 167936 B
18:57:08 Virtual memory total 4095 MiB (4294836224 B)
18:57:08 Virtual memory free 185 MiB (194662400 B)
18:57:08 Physical memory free 8405 MiB (8814080000 B)
18:57:08 Page file free 7038 MiB (7380262912 B)
18:57:08 Process working set 3028 MiB (3175170048 B)
18:57:08 Process page file used 3344 MiB (3506446336 B)
18:57:08 Longest free VM region: 5505024 B
18:57:08 VM busy 4100239360 B (reserved 214876160 B, committed 3885363200 B, mapped 257024000 B), free 194596864 B
18:57:08 Small mapped regions: 39, size 167936 B
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 CreateTexture failed : w = 3000, h = 1858, format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM, err = E_OUTOFMEMORY.
18:58:26 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
18:58:26 Virtual memory total 4095 MiB (4294836224 B)
18:58:26 Virtual memory free 408 MiB (428429312 B)
18:58:26 Physical memory free 8525 MiB (8939728896 B)
18:58:26 Page file free 7239 MiB (7591239680 B)
18:58:26 Process working set 2806 MiB (2942992384 B)
18:58:26 Process page file used 3100 MiB (3251458048 B)
18:58:26 Longest free VM region: 26935296 B
18:58:26 VM busy 3866472448 B (reserved 236019712 B, committed 3630452736 B, mapped 256761856 B), free 428363776 B
18:58:26 Small mapped regions: 39, size 167936 B
18:58:26 VID: dedicated: 2114322432, shared 2180579328, system: 0, max: 1799749632, used: 1398689792
ErrorMessage: DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY