Dedicated server issues

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Thanks for the reply. I put down a infantry solider and a tank. Worked like a charm. Drove around for a bit. Shot some things. Ran perfectly

  3. In your ALiVE mission that isn't working, can you see if it runs on the server if you remove @aliveserver from TADST and remove the data module from the mission?

  4. Removed Data moudle and @aliveserver. This time got an infinite loading screen with no sound at all

  5. Can you remove the data and player data modules and test again? I'm trying to make a reasonable guess here if the problem is your server communicating with ALiVE's War Room, or your actual mission.

    I basically want to see if an ALiVE mission without any kind of persistence is working.

  6. Removed player options module. Infinite loading screen with sound.

  7. Generally, issues like this are caused by the server and the client not running the same mods (sometimes one is just missing, sometimes one is out of date, etc). Since you're using TADST locally on your PC, this should be easier to isolate.

    Can you take some screenshots of your TASDT for me? Just open the various tabs within TADST so I can see it. I don't need to see the difficulty or server rules or anything like that, but I'd like to see the main tab, the mods and missions tab if possible.

  8. Also, it's probably not the server being setup wrong at this point considering you said a non-ALiVE mission worked, but here is a written guide for TADST on the ALiVE wiki. May not be a bad idea to read this (it's at the bottom) just to be sure:

  9. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Also, and I'm assuming this is the case, but I'd like to see if you can get an ALiVE and CBA only mission running. So if your Assymetric mission is using additional mods, please try a simple ALiVE CBA only mission to test.

  10. I am using only CBA and ALiVE. In my missions it's NATO against Syndikat

  11. I checked out the guide you posted. That's exactly how I set up my server. Downloaded a port checker too. All my ports are open.

    Also, I followed the guide in the war room too. And I followed the steps to validate the set up. Downloaded baretailpro. It says after you launch the server to open the RPT file with baretailpro and look for "CONNECTED TO DATABASE OK" Well I can't find that...I don't know if that helps. But yeah.

    Thanks for your continuous help and solutions, by the way.

  12. I think at this stage you need to post your server rpt. In the TADST folder, then in the profile folder, you'll see the rpt file. Host it on Dropbox or something and link it here. A dev will need to take a peak to see what's what.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Also, incase you're still using War Room and persistence, make sure the ip you are using on War Room is your external op, which you can find on

    This is a common mistake.

  14. Checked the I.P, it is correct.

  15. Thanks. @marceldev89 is see you're on a bit today. Do you have a chance to take a peak?

  16. @Dannomite that RPT doesn't show anything ALiVE related. Did you even load @alive and/or @aliveserver?

  17. I now realized I pulled the wrong RPT. My bad. BUT. I have fixed it. Recently I had all my mods downloaded from amraholic but decided to switch to the steam workshop. The CBA version I had on TADST was from armaholic, but on my arma launcher I had the steam version. Apparently that was the issue. Now I can actually get into the game relatively quick with about a 2 minute loading screen. Only issue now is constant lag and the Save and Exit (admin only) doesn't work.

  18. @Dannomite I now realized I pulled the wrong RPT. My bad. BUT. I have fixed it. Recently I had all my mods downloaded from amraholic but decided to switch to the steam workshop. The CBA version I had on TADST was from armaholic, but on my arma launcher I had the steam version. Apparently that was the issue. Now I can actually get into the game relatively quick with about a 2 minute loading screen. Only issue now is constant lag and the Save and Exit (admin only) doesn't work.

    Progress! :)

    There are a few things I could think that might be causing you issues with the server save and exit. First things first, you can verify you are actually logging in as admin, correct? You do this by defining your password in TADST, then typing / to open the console (I usually do this on the player select screen). Then type #login yourpassword and click enter. Next to your player in role select it will indicate you have admin privileges.

    First things first, make sure you have data and player data modules in your mission. Also make sure your modules have persistence set to yes (a ton of them have this yes or no option so look through all your modules).

    When entering the game, you should get a notification on the top right of the screen verifying your profile has been loaded from War Room. Do you see this?

    Assuming all those things are ok, in your mission, turn debug on in the data module, start the server and post your server rpt here.

  19. Yes! Progress! Got the save and exit working. When I finally got the server working a notification popped up saying my profile was loaded. But all of a sudden it doesn't. Can't seem to load save either.

  20. Like I was saying, at this stage you should debug the data module, start the mission then save it and post the server rpt back here.

  21. Right.


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