Massive RPT spam with Project OPFOR and ALiVE 1.29

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi guys, just noticed in one of my recently updated missions that I'm getting RPT spam that gets up to 100,000 lines in a matter of seconds with this message on repeat:

    _randomHitPoint params ["_randomHitPoint>
    18:30:18   Error position: <_randomHitPoint params ["_randomHitPoint>
    18:30:18   Error Undefined variable in expression: _randomhitpoint
    18:30:18 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 665
    18:30:18 Error in expression <ileToAttackHealth select _randomIndex;

    Anybody else noticed this? I'll file a bug once I can get to the route cause but it doesn't happen on vanilla so it's challenging to repro.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah that's what that's from.

    Yep. Definitely seeing this with Project OPFOR. I just noticed it recently and haven't investigated vanilla.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If it helps you narrow it down, I've seen this with just CBA, ALiVE, Spyder Addons, RHS (US and Rus), Project OPFOR, and CUP Core and Maps loaded.

  4. Yeah that is helpful! Which factions from project opfor are you using?

  5. Middle East Militia OPFOR faction LOP_AM_OPF

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    At first I thought this was an indexing issue because I first saw it a few days ago when re-indexing Sangin (it says "index" in the error) when sticking the new index in my Project OPFOR mission.

    But I saw this again last night using regular ALiVE and a regular index so I think you're right that's it's Project OPFOR or maybe RHS. I did some unrelated vanilla testing on Sangin and Clafghan and don't ever see this error.

  7. Ahhh well I've just removed LOP_AM and have stopped seeing the error (tested 3 minutes so far so not conclusive!!)... maybe it's the Middle East Militia. Have only just started seeing this error since using LOP_ISTS, LOP_AM and LOP_PESH. I'll keep the mission running and see what happens. Doesn't seem to be an indexing issue, probably something to do with the way one of the LOP_AM vehicles is set up.

  8. Edited the post above for clarity.

  9. Alright, still present with LOP_PESH and LOP_ISTS. The index reference is about an index of hitpoints for a profile (presumably a vehicle), rather than map index. I'm fairly sure it's an issue with one of the project opfor factions (not all - LOP_AFR and a few others don't have this).

  10. Do you think the error is related to ALiVE at all? I wonder if it still appears if you test just RHS (US, Rus) and Project OPFOR and just randomly place vehicles down until you can find the one or ones.

  11. Yup, definitely alive. The error is in alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah wait sorry I guess it could be ALiVE related seeing as it says ALiVE in the error.

    EDIT: You ninja'd me. :) Yeah sorry stupid question.

  13. That said, I'm not sure whether the error is a config error by project opfor (most likely) or an error caused by ALiVE not reading certain configs correctly.

  14. You'd know better than me. :)

    If you need a hand isolating the cause, I can help out later so let me know if you need me to run any tests. It'll be awhile though.

  15. Thanks dude! No worries though, I'll try to get a repro together with as few variables as possible. Stumbled on this while I was testing another script so it might take a little while for me too.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm thinking this should be fairly easy to duplicate. A simple bare bones ALiVE mission, spawning infantry only (which I'd assume won't have this error, but probably best to try it to rule them out). Then I'd manually place vehicles, virtualized, one at a time and monitor the rpt in Baretail.

    I'm going to assume you aren't using civ vehicles when doing your quick tests, and considering how few vehicles are in LOP_AM_OPF, I'm thinking it wouldn't take long to see the bad apple or apples.

  17. Let me tag @SpyderBlack723 :)

  18. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    I think I've found (at least) two culprits, and they are LOP_PESH_M1025_W_M2 and LOP_PESH_M1025_W_Mk19. Can't find any vehicles that do this for LOP_AM yet though.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS&nbsp; are you using Peshmerga?

  19. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Okay... it's also the RHSUSF armed M1025 that cause this issue - both desert and woodland. Unarmed don't seem to be a problem.

  20. Nope. Just LOP_AM_OPF but I do have LOP_TAK_Civ vehicles spawning though, so maybe it's not the Middle East Militia in my case.

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