Units not spawning into view from virtualization

  1. 8 years ago

    I have an issue where after starting the mission from a saved game, BLUFOR units don't appear in the visual game. I can see they're virtualized and they're moving around and all that, it's just that they don't pop in when I come close. Anyone have this before and know what I'm doing wrong?

  2. server rpt:


  3. So I seem to have fixed it by turning off the pause feature in the data module.. weird.

  4. I've actually seen this. What mods and what map?

  5. There is no pause feature in the data module?

  6. Auto pause for 24/7 servers I'd assume is the option he's taking about

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Runny


    Sorry, I mean the Alive Required module. It's a feature that pauses OPCOM ect when no players are in the server.


    NATO_Rus_Vehicle (massi)
    nato_russian_sf_weapons (massi)
    UKSF_mas (massi)

    not all of them are used in the mission itself but the server runs them all and the mission was made with all the mods loaded.

    The mission is on chernarus summer.

  8. Is this in SP or MP (Dedi or hosted MP?)

  9. Local dedicated with TADST

  10. A modless (CBA and ALiVE only) repro would be appreciated. I've setup a ticket for this: https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/290

  11. I'll try make one and see if it repros.

  12. Lots of mods there Runny. You're just asking for problems dude. Some of them are quite old and unsupported.

    Just a headsup, ASDG JR is obsolete. CBA has it included. You don't need that anymore.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Also, in general, invisible units is a problem with some Massi factions. I've seen that myself (vehicle groups don't spawn vehicles when spawned by ALiVE, etc). Probably not related to this per say, but some of your mods really need to go (for my money, I'd dump Massi, CAF, lsd night vision because I had problems with it, ASDG JR, etc. I'd axe them all completely and forever unless they get updates).

  14. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    Also you might want to ditch ACEX unless you just gotta have the sitting feature and if you do you can drop those pbos into your regular ACE file....otherwise its just another mod to call.

    As for the Massi units I haven't had any issues with them but have heard of plenty of other issues. I am using the vehicles since he is the only one to successfully create chinese skins for vehicles so far. Maybe CUP or RHS will get some done one day.

  15. Still need a CBA and ALIVE only repro on this if possible


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