No respawn happening; need some help please

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    Maybe I have done something wrong but I am a little on the stupid side when it comes to code because I killed all those brain cells in college. Short version is I can't get the Multispawn to work at all. When you die you get dropped to the end mission screen and you have to restart the mission. It has been tested in a multiplayer environment so I am moving beyond that and saying it is something I have done incorrectly.

    Here is the snippet dealing with respawn from my description.ext file:

    respawn = BASE;
    respawndelay = 90;
    respawnOnStart = 0;
    respawnDialog = 0;
    DisabledAI = true;

    Anyway here is the premise for my mission so you can get the concept of what I am attempting to do. We have TF Siren (Spearhead, SOAR and SOSJFD) which is a US SOCOM Task Group that has been deployed to Tanoa to assist local forces in their Unconventional Warfare (UW) fight against a Chinese led CSAT takeover of the island. The locals are led by a Kutu (small select group of former Tanoan SOF) and Bolo who is the direct CO of the Molokous group. Each group operates in a different area in the archipelago. Kutu operates around Katkoula, Bolo operates north of Ljinhaven and Molokous operates in 2 areas on the main island. The first Molokous group operates around Vagalala and the second in the NW portion of main island near Nicolet. Each group player occupied slot has a numerical designator such as Molokous 1, Molokous 2, etc...

    ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWNGROUP_%GROUPID% is used in areas for the markers around the island with the following groupID's assigned to those markers.

    US Special Operations TF is spawning on extreme southern Imuri island on Tanoa; there are three individual units.
    The three units are as follows:

    ODA 4125 = %GROUPID% is Spearhead
    160th SOAR = %GROUPID% is SOAR
    6th SOS = %GROUPID% is SOSJFD

    Civilians of Tanoa; also groups of players; which are fighting back against a Chinese led CSAT takeover of the island.
    Those units are as follows:
    Player led HQ team called Kutu = %GROUPID% is Kutu
    Player led HQ team called Bolo = %GROUPID% is Bolo
    2 additional player led groups called Molokous = %GROUPID% is Molokous_1 and Molokous_2

  2. I'm not familiar with multispawn. The way I usually set things up is by using respawn_side# markers and letting players choose which menu position to respawn at.

    If you want to see how my description.ext's are setup for that, feel free to grab any of my missions on BIS forums (obviously don't worry about the required mods, since you'd just be unpacking and viewing the mission files). I'm not at home and can't remember the exact code I use, but I can paste it here later if you want.

    If you're looking to limit specific units to specific respawn areas then I have no clue man, but here's a bump for you. :)

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    Thanks @HeroesandvillainsOS

    I will go grab one of your missions now and take a look at the file.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool. Good luck.

    The part you won't see, in the mission itself, is the respawn markers. So what you do is, place an empty marker, and name it (if playing as BLUFOR) respawn_west1 and add as many as you need for respawn points. Players will then be able to choose where they respawn after they die from a respawn menu.

  5. @highhead ?

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    OK I got respawn working but I am now getting helo insertions for some reason. I have changed the description.ext to the following:

    respawn = 3;
    respawndelay = 90;
    respawnOnStart = 0;
    respawnDialog = 0;
    DisabledAI = true;

    But when I died in the MP game I spawned back in eventually riding in an AAF helo wearing the 15th_PLA uniform that I put on to see if it worked. Then the helo got shot down by an AA missile guy because it never would pick an LZ.

  7. OK got it working...sort of. Now troops spawn in with no gear; going to check my respawn and loadouts to see what is happening.


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