[Resolved]ALiVE War-Room not displaying recent data

  1. 8 years ago

    Greetings lads,

    My war-room is once again having troubles streaming data. I've tried back and forth for 2 weeks with varied numbers of players to make sure it's not a one off. I've also confirmed all the right modules have things turned on.

    Linked below is 3 different ALiVE Plugin logs of some sessions. It all appears to show data connecting just fine.

    http://alivemod.com/war-room/showorbat/3692 - Our war-room is found there.


  2. Tagging @Tupolov but it might take a little while to see results since he's quite busy with other things at the moment. :)

  3. 7 years ago

    Issue resolved with a temp fix.

    Please see new issue - https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/304


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