I've decided to start looking at ALiVE again now that Lythium is indexed and works. I'm doing things slightly differently to I would normally and I want to check some things and also understand what I'm seeing from the debug that's switched on.
My basic mission setup is to have an insurgency type set up. I have the created 6 TOAR's that are shown on the image below as Red Outlined. These are hopefully the hotbed of the insurgency, and each has a Military Placement (Civ) module set up to spawn a platoon each of LOP_AM weighted towards Light Infantry. They are set up to ignore small objectives and low priority ones. Each one is synced to the OPFOR AI Military Commander which is set to Insurgency. Each one also has the BluFor markers set as blacklists
Next I've set up the BluFor, which has a number of FOB's (Blue) each with a Military Placement (Mil) module set up to spawn a platoon, ignoring small and low priority objectives. Each one again spawns a platoon. These TAOR's are set to be very small markers, often just 50x50. Each one is synced to the BluFor AI Military COmmander which is set to Occupation.
My intention here was to have the two sides spawning in very distinct layouts with no overlaps.
I then wanted to set it up that the two forces would venture out into the "non marker area", so there is a map wide TOAR . There is a Military Placement (Civ) module set to provide objectives only for this area, with all other areas as blacklist. This is where the yellow arrow is.
I have synced ALL the civilian placement modules to both OPCOMs, so that they both know about the objectives.
When I ran the mission, I first got warnings about too many objectives and have whittled down to get to 81 for the OPFOR and under that for the BluFor.
I have the IED module synced with the OPFOR OPCOM and have the IED module, the OPFOR OPCOM and the AI Profile system on debug. When I load the mission up, I get the following (having waited a couple of minutes to let the full details propagate).
SO my questions are.
- Why (How!?) am I getting BluFor profiles outside their areas at the beginning? (Near the airfield Top middle/right & near PuestoCrow centre of image)
- What is the significance of the Red writing "Recruit", "Roadblocks", etc on the upper right, and the red dots vs the green dots?
- I don't seem to see any IED's? I thought that they were incredibly prolific? Is there a Lythium specific issue or something else?
- I don't see many OPFOR profiles? Are there not enough units for the areas I've assigned, or do I need to wait for the insurgency to build and recruit?
- The "H-100" tags, that's hostility right? Seems to be set to 100 regardless of whether I set hostility in the Civilian module to medium or high?
- Is the syncing of the modules correct?
- On the second image you can see something being output in the text. This is along the lines of
Section ["LOP_AM-entity_121","LOP_AM-entity_129","LOP_AM-entity_68","LOP_AM-entity_88","LOP_AM-entity_66","LOP_AM-entity_127"] moving to reserve objective OPCOM_1792414438_objective_9! ["LOP_AM-entity_121","LOP_AM-entity_129","LOP_AM-entity_68","LOP_AM-entity_88","LOP_AM-entity_66","LOP_AM-entity_127"] pending!
What does this mean?