Stuck on loading screen (Nam) despite re-indexing

  1. 7 years ago


    So as the title says - stuck in a loading screen loop despite the re-indexing of the map (as the map has been incompatible for a few months).

    Placed the \x\ folder in the mission folder, followed the test instructions as well as tried it with my own mission and factions, but no matter what - If I place down any sort of placement module - my game will freeze and the RPT will read "ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System..."

    Here's the mission folder including the index for those we are interested :

  2. RPT and the indexing log would be useful :)

  3. Yup of course - .

    Ignore some of the other shit in the RPT - think its just SHK_Pos acting up..

  4. Also side note - I set the MapBound to 9600 as that was the diameter in meters I got when I placed down a zone in the center of the map. Did I do that part wrong which may be why the map is crashing?

  5. I doubt it. You can usually safely leave it at 0. I think the option was added as a safeguard.

    FYI for future reference, the easiest way to get the measurements is to count the map grids (10 across the map = 10,000 meters).

  6. Alright, cool.

    Lemme know if you see anything fishy with the Index, really odd what's going on..

  7. Alright so two things,

    First : re-index'd the map again. First thing I notice that I forgot to say in the OP - due to the large amount of objects (386), the civilian buildings array gets cut off - leaving half of the civilian huts on the map unsettled as they're not apart of the static object list.

    Second : Now that the map is re-index'd, I got it to run! However, now the issue is that (on top of the first issue), the game will only load up the first "time", and if I want to run the mission again, I'll have to reset ArmA as i'll get hung back up on the loading screen.

    Updated index + RPT :

  8. There seems to be a little bug in the sys_data module in SP. Does it run properly when you remove the data module?

  9. It loads the first time, but the second time running through still hangs with the Virtual AI message repeating.

    Here's the updated RPT :

  10. Highlighting relevant RPT stuff:

    11:54:56 Error in expression <[11664.8,16370.5],"c_297"],[[15556.6,17
    11:54:56   Error position: <[_clustersMil,"air",[[[1621.08,8771.68],>
    11:54:56   Error Missing ]
    11:54:56 File C:\Users\Burdy323\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Nam_Nam_TourV1.Nam2\x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\data\data.nam2.sqf, line 5
    11:54:56 Error in expression <[11664.8,16370.5],"c_297"],[[15556.6,17
    11:54:56   Error position: <[_clustersMil,"air",[[[1621.08,8771.68],>
    11:54:56   Error Missing ]
    11:54:56 File C:\Users\Burdy323\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Nam_Nam_TourV1.Nam2\x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\data\data.nam2.sqf, line 5

    lots of PhysX and mod errors (UNSUNG)

    12:05:43 ALIVE ProfileSystem - Startup
    12:05:43 ALiVE MAP BOUNDS: 0
    12:05:43 Error in expression <le preprocessFileLineNumbers _file;
    _sector = _x;
    _sectorID = [_sector, "i>
    12:05:43   Error position: <{
    _sector = _x;
    _sectorID = [_sector, "i>
    12:05:43   Error Generic error in expression
    12:05:43 File \x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_gridImportStaticMapAnalysis.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_gridImportStaticMapAnalysis], line 1789

    Followed by lots of:

    12:05:55 ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
    12:05:55 ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
    12:05:55 ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
  11. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    Alright, seems clear that the generated index (\x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\data\data.nam2.sqf) has still some broken arrays. The error in \x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_gridImportStaticMapAnalysis.sqf caused by that.

  12. Alright, think I tidied up the file - lemme know if that looks correct, seems that settlement & consolidated got cut off

  13. There are still a couple of lines cut off in there. Fixed them for you. :)

  14. Yay so looks like Nam will be indexed soon. :)

    Thanks guys.

  15. Hey -

    So just tried it out. Currently, after about 6 minutes of loading and nothing happening, checked my RPT and it looks like this - many performance warnings flashing. Also, got an error for the updated Nam data file on line 7 - though I don't see where that error is.

  16. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    Oh, that's a fail on my end. The data.nam2.sqf file doesn't look right at all. It should have way more data. Please try to do a re-index (with just CBA, ALiVE and Nam loaded) and if it fails post the log file from the indexing folder and the x folder here.

  17. Edited 7 years ago by Burdy323


    So currently struggling to finish this re index - I've had the indexer running for close to 3 hours and my RPT is littered with perf. warnings and the consolidation of upwards of 1500 targets. Did finish the military clusters, but gave up after that as the civilian clusters was taking 2 and a half hours.

  18. Finally after 6 hours, it is complete... However, the data.nam2 file is still all sorts of fucked, and the game is back to crashing on the second attempt @ launching the mission.

    Here is the index : - Someone else may want to try and index the map as I have the object list included in the index - for me it just doesn't seem to be working.

  19. I'll take a crack at it later. Thanks for doing the hard part. :)

    Finger's crossed I can finish up the easy part :)

  20. Haha my fingers crossed for you as well

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