Enemy spawing at blacklisted base area and beneath Helo's

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Cobra

    I am using the UNSUNG mod. Even though I have a marker blacklisting the base area from the OPFPR AI commander's knowledge, enemy keep spawning well inside the base area, practically on top of us. The weirdest part is that the enemy spawned is not from any of the groups from the custom ORBAT I am using. They are enemy from the parent unit that the ORBAT was made from. Also these same units spawn directly underneath the Helos as they land. It dosent happen every time units spawn in the area either. Sometimes it will be the third time we arrive back at base, or the second time we move into an LZ. As far as I can tell the ALIVE modules are setup correctly. I also notice 4 units of each vanilla faction spawning at the lower left of the map. Not sure if that's connected but again I see no error causing the weird spawning.

  2. Try just turning off the ambient helicopter spawns in the Mil Objective Placement module(s). If you want choppers place then yourself.

    Regarding the bottom left spawns, I don’t believe this issue has been diagnosed yet. Might be map related, might be something else.

  3. I'm not having any problems with helicopter spawning. Did you even read my entire post? Its enemy infantry spawning well inside blacklisted zones right before the players eyes. The infantry spawned dosent seem to be from any groups in the ORBAT I'm using. Also the enemy spawns DIRECTLY BELOW HELOS ON INSERTION. I didnt mention anything about spawing HELOS, to reiterate my post.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah ok I see I did misread it. Apparently there’s a lot of issues here and it sounds like they might be unrelated. The first thing I would try to test, is removing the unsung ORBAT units from all of the modules, and seeing if they adhere to the blacklist rules using BLU_F and OPF_F instead.

    The wrong units spawning might be an issue with the ORBAT creation itself, so you may want to post the files for review here.

    The virtual AI spawning directly beneath insertion helo’s could be due to spawn settings (for example, if you drastically lower the Virtual AI amount from the default 144 to something like,25, that can cause odd spawning problems) or server strain, but tough to say just based on the description.

    This is why I feel like it might be best to try and isolate these one by one by removing the unsung ORBAT factions and using vanilla just to see if the behavior changes.

  5. what do I need to do to post the orbat files here?

  6. You could probably link to the entire file from Dropbox or something if you turned it into a mod/PBO. Or for ease of use so no one has to unpack it, maybe unpack it first, put it in a folder, zip that folder up, and put that folder on Dropbox.

    I don’t personally do much ORBAT’ing. But I have read about issues when people try to use two custom ORBAT factions in the same mission. In this mission are you using one or more than one?

  7. I'm using a custom US faction and a custom VC faction. I know its not an issue with the specific Blacklists because in the initial spawning the enemys wont spawn in black listed areas. its mainly 20 minutes into gameplay when we arrive back at base.

  8. This is why I’d like to see if you can reproduce any of this with BLU_F and OPF_F only. Like I said above, there are reported issues when using two custom ORBAT factions at the same. I don’t use ORBAT enough to know the reason, but testing this will be helpful in figuring out what the issue is, and who to ping to solve your problems.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Cobra

    Ive totally narrowed down the spawning enemy cause. When the combat support Huey I placed on the map is destroyed, enemy spawns when the Huey respawns. It happens regardless of which helo is destroyed then repawned. it only happens to the combat support module synced helos

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Cobra Ive totally narrowed down the spawning enemy cause. When the combat support Huey I placed on the map is destroyed, enemy spawns when the Huey respawns. It happens regardless of which helo is destroyed then repawned. it only happens to the combat support module synced helos

    Assuming this isn’t vanilla. What do you mean enemies spawn when the heli is destroyed? Can you record a video and post it here?

    If not, what exactly is happening? Is the heli respawning, fully manned, with infantry next to it?

  11. when I or anything else destroys the parked combat support helos at the main base, upon respawning 4 to 10 ai enemy spawns near the helo. Maybe a 30 meter radius. It appears to happen with all the combat support helos. It definitely happens when the helo respawns. its reproducable every time.

  12. Ive deleted all friendly and enemy military commanders and only placed just the combat support helos and the basic necessary alive modules with the same exact results. any time the helos are destroyed, when they respawn enemy opfor spawns. trying next with vanilla helos

  13. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Cobra Ive deleted all friendly and enemy military commanders and only placed just the combat support helos and the basic necessary alive modules with the same exact results. any time the helos are destroyed, when they respawn enemy opfor spawns. trying next with vanilla helos

    Is this only with your ORBAT faction or can you reproduce this just using ALiVE and CBA and putting in vanilla factions?

  14. Edited 7 years ago by Cobra

    so after much testing I found out it has to do with specific helos from the unsung mod. For whatever reason all the unarmed Huey helos and the unarmed version of the Choctaw cause enemy to spawn on their respawn location. There may be more helos that do this. Once those certain helos have been removed it solves the problem. this happens when using just the required modules and the combat support module. So it is entirely due to the Helos from Unsung mod. I have no idea what could cause that but it would be nice to know in order to give the Unsung team a heads up. Again this only happens to AI controlled helos. Empty helos of any class respawn normally after being destroyed.

  15. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Cobra so after much testing I found out it has to do with specific helos from the unsung mod. For whatever reason all the unarmed Huey helos and the unarmed version of the Choctaw cause enemy to spawn on their respawn location. There may be more helos that do this. Once those certain helos have been removed it solves the problem. this happens when using just the required modules and the combat support module. So it is entirely due to the Helos from Unsung mod. I have no idea what could cause that but it would be nice to know in order to give the Unsung team a heads up. Again this only happens to AI controlled helos. Empty helos of any class respawn normally after being destroyed.

    What’s the classnames? Or which helo(s) for which faction(s) (I know you said the types but which ones exactly)? I’m curious if this happens using a respawn method or script unrelated to ALiVE or if it’s ALiVE specific with CS respawn.

    From what I recall Unsung isn’t by default compatible with ALiVE. That might have changed (I’ll ask around). Is this using default Unsung factions or from an ORBAT you made or someone else made?

  16. Ok it was explained to me for compatibility with ALiVE you still need to be using a compatibility mod, or an ORBAT faction you made yourself.

  17. It can be tested without using a compatible orbat by just using the combat support module. The combat support module does not require a compatible Orbat to function. It just needs a funtioning AI controlled asset. It is just certain assets from unsung which creates the spawning enemies. Here are the classnames of the vehicle which are known to me to cause the spawning: uns_UH1D_m60, uns_UH1D_m60_light, uns_UH1H_m60, uns_UH1H_m60_light, uns_ch34_sog

  18. I guess you could open a ticket on the Github and see if anyone is keen on taking a peek.

    What I’m thinking is though, if this can be duplicated without ALiVE at all, maybe trying to force the helos to respawn some other way (using BI multispawn, or some kind of respawn script), you might be able to then ask Unsung about it directly and see if they can fix it in their end.

    I’m sure the answer is probably yes, but if the OPCOM and the CS asset is from something like this: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/198097-the-unsung-vietnam-war-and-alive-compatability-mod/

    Instead of the default helo(s), does it still happen using CS to respawn the choppers? I’d assume yes but may be worth trying if you get totally stuck.

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Cobra

    It turns out that the entire problem with the spawning was due to a module from UNSUNG which I placed in the mission. The module is called UNSUNG special items. This module will break Alive. I havent determined what this module does except break Alive. When this module is removed enemy AI spawns correctly and the Helos do not trigger enemy spawning upon their respawn.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by SavageCDN

    Interesting...thanks for letting us know. Added a note to the wiki

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