Hi! I've seen this problem in many threads in here, but haven't found a solution. So I created a faction based on Project OPFOR's PMC (copied the PMC faction), added some vehicles from RHS USAF, gave them crew, then made some AI groups.
When I try to pack the addons I get this error:
Build failed. Result code=1 CfgConvert task failed. File D:\Pulpit\@pmcenhanced\addons\i_pmce\autogen.hpp, line 2110: /CfgVehicles/I_PMCE_UG_60M.Turrets: Undefined base class 'Turrets' Config: some input after EndOfFile. Error reading config file 'D:\Pulpit\@pmcenhanced\addons\i_pmce\config.cpp' Class CBA_Extended_Eventhandlers_base destroyed with lock count 23 Class destroyed with lock count 1
Now, I'm no expert in coding, but I've scrolled up and the class is definitely defined there:
class RHS_UH60M; class RHS_UH60M_OCimport_01 : RHS_UH60M { scope = 0; class EventHandlers; class Turrets; }; class RHS_UH60M_OCimport_02 : RHS_UH60M_OCimport_01 { class EventHandlers; class Turrets : Turrets { class CopilotTurret; class MainTurret; class RightDoorGun; class CargoTurret_01; class CargoTurret_02; class CargoTurret_03; class CargoTurret_04; }; };
And here's my added unit, to which the error points:
class I_PMCE_UH_60M : RHS_UH60M { author = "MCPO Joe Graves"; scope = 0; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "UH-60M"; side = 2; faction = "I_PMCE"; crew = "I_PMCE_Pilot_01"; class Turrets : Turrets { class CopilotTurret : CopilotTurret { gunnerType = "I_PMCE_Pilot_01"; }; class MainTurret : MainTurret { gunnerType = "rhsusf_army_ucp_helicrew"; }; class RightDoorGun : RightDoorGun { gunnerType = "I_PMCE_Pilot_01"; }; class CargoTurret_01 : CargoTurret_01 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_02 : CargoTurret_02 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_03 : CargoTurret_03 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_04 : CargoTurret_04 { gunnerType = ""; }; }; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {sleep 0.3; _unit = _this select 0;};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; };
The same error appears for any RHSUSAF vehicle I've added, which has firing slots (defined by Turrets class), including those vehicles which are a part of Project OPFOR (based on RHS); ex. Humvees.
So what did I miss?
@EDIT I've just tried to export RHS US Army Desert and it gives the same error! What the hell am I doing wrong?
Also, wiki isn't quite up-to-date, which option should I use - Full Faction or Full Faction (To File) and what's the difference?