Getting spawned profile groups to get in spawned profile vehicle?

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by A Hamburgler

    So i have a script to spawn a group and profile it so lets say this group has a global variable of NewGroup = _Profile then i spawn a crewed APC also with a script and that global variable is VehicleProfileTest1 = _profileVehicle. Then i do this _VehicleAss = [NewGroup,VehicleProfileTest1] call ALIVE_fnc_createProfileVehicleAssignment; which returns true but then when i do this command _result2 = [_VehicleAss,NewGroup] call ALIVE_fnc_profileVehicleAssignmentToVehicleAssignment; to try and get the NewGroup in VehicleProfileTest1 i get an error. Am i doing somthing wrong here been trying forever and cant get it. My over all goal here is to get my spawned group to get in as the cargo so the apc can transport the group. Thanks in advance!!

  2. Deleted 5 years ago by A Hamburgler
  3. Got it. Did not realize i had to select the vehicleAssignments within the groups profile.

  4. Edited 5 years ago by A Hamburgler

    This works great if the profiles are despawned but if they are spawned in it does not work any ideas?

    Edit so the AI does get in the vehicle when spawned in but i have an issues with this.
    The profile position of both the group and the vehicle does not update and says they are in the same spot on the map.

    Also another issue is when i spawn in an APC and leave the area so it despawns when i come back the APC spawns in but the crew members get out and dont take the gunner and commander position and just get in cargo positions. This last issue seems to be related to CUP vehicles as the RHS vehicles dont have this issue. I think its the way the config is set up as it seems the AI want to take the turret positions before the gunner and commander spots.

  5. I did some work on this front awhile ago in order to prep support for being able to move profiles around the battlefield using spare vehicles. I fixed a number of things which made the concept possible, but it was definitely not bug-free.. at least not in the manner I was interpreting it to be used. Basically, I'm not entirely sure where the issues lie, the code runs very deep....

  6. Ended up figuring out a work around for it. I could imagine why bug fixing would be so difficult the alive coding is simple but very complex at the same time.


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