Alive not recognizing RHS

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  2. 9 years ago

    I believe this is the right page

  3. that seems way to complicative to work out for me. i will just wait until either the alive devs come up with a solution or RHS devs to. Unless someone can declare the faction mapping for the rhs mod for me. That would be greatly appreciated

  4. RHS and ALiVE works great.

  5. i reinstalled Arma 3 and only installed the RHS, J.S.R.S, Allinterrainpack, ALiVe, and CBA but it still can't recognize it. Why am i the only one with this issue

  6. Can you post your RPT file to pastebin and link it here? RPT file is found here:


  7. Hopefully i did it right

  8. thanks I'm out of town until Monday but I'll take a look when I get back

  9. did you ever check it out

  10. You have set:

    10:41:06 ALIVE MP [rhs_faction_usarmy_wd] - Size: 200 Type: Air SideNum: 1 Side: WEST Faction: rhs_faction_usarmy_wd
    Check it out

  11. can you clarify that

  12. Good spot DaVidoSS - check your MP placement module(s) and make sure the weighting for type of units spawned is not set to AIR (ie: set it to Light Infantry for example then test).

  13. i tried that but it still didn't work. I'll send you the link to a video demonstrating me setting it up and testing it. skip to 3 minutes mark

  14. i tried using spyder's demo and it still does the same as when i make a mission with rhs

  15. actually it might be easier if someone taught me how custom map the factions. The wiki article won't help since it assumes i know how to script

  16. I'm encountering this issue. it seems that since RHS changed the group names it no longer is compatible. Any chance of ALiVE including the proper group name to make it compatible? Or am I royally messing something up somewhere and it has been fixed?

  17. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Unless you are using their launcher it should still work. I'm using the latest PW6 version with minimal issues. Although for someone reason not for everyone (hence this thread).

  18. Deleted 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723
  19. Edited 9 years ago by ElectroEsper

    Something related here.

    I tried to manually remap the Russian VDV to my taste (with a staticData.sqf). Even tho they spawn from MIL/CIV placement modules, the AI Commander is not counting them. They are virtual profiles, they are also the units that I mapped.
    But I got this in my .RPT...

    MIL OPCOM - Counting 0 profiles for faction ["rhs_faction_vdv"]

    So yeah, something is acting-up with RHS, since I'm able to map and make work perfectly every other factions that are not supported.

    On top of that, my previous issues,

    • Units that are manually placed on the map (in editor) and profiled are not pick-up either by the AI Commander (with any RHS faction), and again, this problem is only happening with RHS.
    • Custom objective module's units (spawned by it) are not counted and used by AI Commander (Only tested with VDV) yet with the exact same settings with others non-RHS are working just fine.

    Maybe those special files need an update?

  20. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's possible, but not sure if they would be willing to go through it all again, especially since RHS isn't in a 1.0 state.

    The question is, did it work 100% in the first place when all of the custom mapping was made initially? I think it did but can't remember perfectly.

  21. i have the same issue here with IDF mod No groups available but it still spwan them my problem is i set them to invasion in the AI commander but they only stay where they are i had it worked befor 1.46
    but also idf mod and alive have been updated too so where is the couse of that error ?

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