Last active 9 years ago
Don't know what it was but Arma crashed the last time I tried ... now works fine.
Appreciate the help!
k...user problem. ran the original code you gave me in the console to set the vehicle, then the second code to verify, and CH53 was in the array. Called the supply and viola! .. ch53 arrived!
doesn't work without setting in console
in my init
execVM "staticData.sqf";
ran in and got a list of vehicles (4) including the uh60 (and others from the mod). no CH53 in the list.
so the data in staticData isn't being read? checking my syntax to make sure i didn't fudge it ...
well .. i'd like to report that it worked but ... that blessed uh-60medevac always shows up.
Tried your advice spyder, then when that failed came across the related snippet on the wiki.
here's what I placed in the staticData.sqf:
waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"}; /* * MILITARY logistics air transport vehicles per faction */ ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate; [ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport, "rhs_faction_usmc_d", ["rhsusf_CH53E_USMC_D","rhsusf_CH53E_USMC"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; [ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport, "rhs_faction_usmc_wd", ["rhsusf_CH53E_USMC_D","rhsusf_CH53E_USMC"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
i'm assuming the vehicle has to be in the actual faction (in which case the '_d' one is) .. so no clue.
Any other tips perhaps?
I was under the impression that the default re-supply vehicle (heli-insertion or airdrop) could not be changed. However, after testing a scenario I created (using RHS) I saw a medevac chopper drop off some Marines. That was odd 1) it wasn't the default ghost hawk I had always seen and 2) it was using a vehicle from the RHS mod (albeit wrong faction) but still. So i posted my question.
What I am hoping for (and I'm sure spyder solved for me) was to specify a CH53 for Marine re-supply. That makes better sense. Didn't know about the plane not actually "spawning" ... i just know there's a c130 in the RHS mod as well.
having read this forums for some time, i've realized there are some really smart folks out here who've peeked behind the curtain and know how to configure a lot of actions via scripts, etc.
Skills well beyond my own
- also: the module has a restrict to line but that (i believe) is for the list of supplies available. Not vehicle used. (same for whitelist/blacklist lines)
- sincerely,
Thank you spyder ... i was making a new scenario and during testing had a uh60 medevac drop uoff a squad of Marines ... ???? :) ... got me thinking perhaps their IS a way and someone knows!!
Apologies if I missed the thread and am re-posting an old question.
Is there a way to configure the support modules to use specific aircraft? Using RHS, i'd like to see the resupply chopper be the CH53 .. or airdrop with the C130.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks spyder .. will give this a shot!
I was wondering if it was possible to restrict reinforcements to faction only assets per AI commander module ... for example, I am using a UN force that has reskinned vehicles and choppers, etc, but when the reinforcements arrive I see green HEMTTs and camo ghosthawks.
Thank you both! That was it. Works in MP.