

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Jan 19 01:41:21 2017



  2. Thu Jan 19 01:16:49 2017

    Appreciate the pointers.

    My group play with a bunch of mods, many of which are a tad dicey, so this could be part of the drama. Will see if I can get them to par things back a little and will have another crack at the default malloc..

  3. Wed Jan 18 22:40:03 2017

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I have tried all of the mumbo jumbo fixes - malloc / virtual ram / etc /etc
    I even altered bios ram settings to try to get some stability with xmp profiler settings.

    Your summary matches my conclusion following reading the various forum posts about this for the last few months.
    So I guess its a waiting game

    The dogs will appreciate me having more free time for walks I suppose

  4. Wed Jan 18 22:28:30 2017


    Did you resolve the out of memory issue?
    It has been persistent for me for months and as a result I have given up on the game altogether.. I come back occasionally foir the odd 3 hours of testing to see if i can fix it.

  5. Thu Nov 3 06:49:45 2016

    * Uniforms and vests automatically added from faction lists (ability to manually add still remains) - thanks to @SpyderBlack723 for the script

    Does this mean I can specify any faction in the gear settings?

    I assumed it was limited to vanilla

    @incontinenetia Updated the script (same DL link as before) with a few requested changes:

    • Undercover units are no longer limited to BLUFOR
    • Trespassing zones can now be set up using triggers

    * Uniforms and vests automatically added from faction lists (ability to manually add still remains) - thanks to @SpyderBlack723 for the script
    * A few small tweaks and fixes here and there

    Keep throwing the ideas / feedback out there guys.

  6. Thu Nov 3 06:45:29 2016

    Wow, you reworked the script for lil' old me!
    Many thanks.

    Working on this nowish.

    I did rework a version of the mission so that the players were aligned with UN (blufor) and the enemy set as opfor however I couldn't seem to get this working. I expect that my white listing needs some work so that I am not immediately detected as hostile.
    This was a compromised solution so am pleased it is working as I desire (being able to play as opfor).

    I have so many mods and I think Massi pulls equipment randomising loadouts so I am not sure where to start with classifying permissible clothes / backpacks and vest.

    @incontinenetia Hi @Ludi - the BLUFOR limitation is gone now, so if you give the latest version from github a whirl it should work with any side as long as you've correctly specified the enemy sides (as in, east, west, independent, rather than factions) in the setup file. Does that answer your question re: factions?

    The only side it can't work with at all is CIV_F. The player has to have a side (independent, east or west) to begin with and the script itself will make that player appear to be civilian to the enemy as long as he isn't being naughty (same goes for any AI members of his group too). For now, it's best to keep any players in separate groups otherwise there might be some weird stuff going on (it will interfere with persistency and simple armed tracking). Also bear in mind there is about a 20 second delay before the script fully initialises so don't spawn any enemy until after that.

    I'm curious to hear how you guys get on. The current build works perfectly in the testing I've done so far but as it's my script I'm bound to overlook things in the setup etc. Let me know if you have any more questions.

  7. Thu Nov 3 06:29:18 2016

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Oh sorry. I misread you. I mistakenly assumed you didn't just need Africans, but you needed enemy Africans. Boko Haram obviously is not friendly to BLU_F. They are an Islamic terror group. Disregard.

    Project OPFOR may have a friendly African Army but I haven't checked. Despite its name there are some BLUFOR groups in there. You should check it and see.

    Thanks for the heads up, definitely checking it out.

  8. Wed Nov 2 08:48:24 2016

    Shame, African conflict has blufor however they are white fella's. All the indigenous africans are either ind or opf.


  9. Wed Nov 2 07:27:58 2016


    That would explain why its not working for me. I am trying to replicate the film - Beasts of No Nation.

    The players would be civvies living in a township protected by the UN, Gov forces roll in and kill everyone. The civvies flee to the bush and seek out the Rebel forces.

    I managed to make the UN switch to OPfor by linking them to an invisible Opfor leader and then when players spawn they trigger incoming forces that wreak havoc killing everyone. I placed some civies with opfor invis leaders so it is quite the massacre.

    I have African government forces as Independent (the enemy) and rebel African (opfor) forces as the player side. I geuss I need to switch the factions so I am Blufor

  10. Wed Nov 2 07:22:10 2016

    @incontinenetia Yeah, anything like that. It basically allows a unit to dress as a civilian and go incognito, then recruit civilians and do whatever you want. Imagine yourself as the insurgent, asking people to join your cause and creating havoc.

    So, you could dress as a civilian and keep a suppressed rifle in your backpack, sneak into a sensitive area, find a decent hiding spot, kill a HVT... or just do some recon, or use your disguise to mount an ambush inside a place you couldn't ordinarily get without fighting your way through. Or you could act as a FAC / JTAC deep behind enemy lines, stuff like that.

    I recently recruited a whole load of dudes, ambushed an enemy patrol, stole their supplies and gave them to my new civilian team, then got them to hide their weapons, head to an enemy base and mount a diversion while I snuck in and blew up a load of vehicles.

    You could also have a BLUFOR FIA insurgency going on and play as one of them, only revealing yourself when you need to attack and blending back into the civilian population once your attack is over. Does that make sense?

    The BLUFOR limitation is just because this was designed with a specific scenario in mind and I haven't quite figured out a reliable way to integrate the reputation and recruitment system dynamically yet. I'll hopefully get round to changing that soon.

    SP / COOP is exactly what it is useful for.

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