Last active 9 years ago
Holy cow, just checked this thread. I got busy last month, and forgot you'd mentioned it until I reread your response to my BIS post. I improved some of my earlier kludges with editor and ALiVE. So I am perfectly ready now with a big battalion vs battalion fight on Isla Duala, to try out your tablet functions this weekend. The features sound amazing!
My mission maker muscle is ready!
Thank you GunnyDev, and you guys are amazing. I'll look forward to the next update, then!
Hi, all. My question is partly related; let me know if it's too off-topic and where I should post instead.
To clarify for a n00b, I would put this:
["ALiVE_sup_artillery"] call ALiVE_fnc_unpauseModule;
in the "On Activation:" field of the trigger? Can this be done by syncing the trigger to the support unit module?
I searched for ALiVE module classnames, but failed. Where can I find the list?
I want to de/activate a CAS module, not artillery. Is "ALiVE_sup_CAS" correct for air support? How do I specify one CAS module out of several -- by naming the module?
The above discussion doesn't mention the earliest initialization I can use the pauseModule. From the mission start, would I put the pauseModule line in the init.sqf? Or kludge it with a trigger on the player's start location?
Can this method be used for mil placements (again, where can I find the module classnames for use)? That way, unit placements and objective only placements could be de/activated with triggers.
EDIT: I tried all the above, and still ended up with my CAS unit spawned at mission start. If it's possible, then I must have used incorrect syntax for making reference to the CAS module, to the name of the CAS module, or something.
Instead of the main "ALiVE_sup_combatsupport" module, I am looking to trigger specifically a CAS module with B_Plane_CAS_01_F (the A-10), while two other support modules (CAS w little bird and transport with Ghost Hawk) are available all the time.
Before finding this post, I tried and failed to sync a trigger (with ALiVE BLUFOR profile detection conditions, as well as "BLUFOR present" condition to cover all possibilities) to the CAS module in question. Tried settings for both one time and repeatedly (repeatedly is preferred).
The CAS plane is on a runway in contested enemy territory. I'm trying to set it to spawn when BLUFOR units capture the airfield, and despawn if OPFOR recaptures the airfield.
Thanks, guys. The custom mil placement clarification really helps, Friznit -- I was getting a little frustrated with the constant messages saying that OPCOM couldn't find any military objectives in its area. So if I understand the order of operations correctly, OPCOM will send reinforcements to the custom placement, but b/c it's not detected early enough, the initial overall mil placement force (e.g. a battalion (400)) will not get placed at all if the custom objective mil placement is the only military objective in the specified TAOR. I'd have to rely on the custom objective's initial unit placement list, compensate with a larger number of reinforcement logistics points, or some combination.
SpyderBlack, I did indeed see the cjb_addObjectivesToSides function, and was doing my beginner's version of selective reverse engineering by leaving out the stuff I didn't feel like tackling on this attempt. :D
But yeah, Zenophon's framework was a huge help last week in helping me to follow how variables are created and defined. It helped me to better understand the scripts in your demo missions.
Thanks for everything on this go around!
Hi, guys.
I'm trying to manually sub in an objective (and hopefully induce an ALiVE reinforcement location) on the new northern island on icebreakr's Isla Duala 3.33.
I'm currently using a mil placement (custom obj.) in a clear space on the new northern island. The composition I chose is spawning correctly, along with the units I specified (though a mechanized unit would occasionally drop the IFVs on a durable object at spawning and blow up). So I'd like to use the custom objective instead..? It'd be moot if OPCOM doesn't use the custom objective to reinforce and spawn new units. I'm not even sure if the current mil placement custom objective is doing so, b/c I haven't seen anything beyond the initial units spawn.
I found the script snippet to include in the init.sqf, but I'm still new to scripting and am not sure what I need to define, to feed correctly into the parameters for ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM.
This is the snippet as shown in the FAQ:
[_OPCOM,"addObjective",[_id, _pos, _size]] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM
I have nothing else in my init.sqf -- no variables defined at all. I have a marker named "marker01" placed on the map, on Kalimbo Armybase (which obviously currently doesn't register as any kind of objective with ALiVE b/c the map update hasn't been reindexed with ALiVE yet). The marker is located in a TAOR marker for a military placement (mil. obj.) with debug turned on (if my custom objective is correct, I'd see it, right?). I understand from other threads that due to init order, ALiVE may or may not register the custom objective in time to populate it with the battalion (400) force I specified in the mil placement. Is there a way to cause that military placement to populate? If not, I'll settle for using it as a reinforcement point (which it will if it's recognized as an objective and occupied by friendly units, right?).
This is my best guess, that I put in the init.sqf. It didn't work -- why is obvious to you but a mystery to me right now. What do I need to fix/change?
[_OPCOM,"addObjective",["custom_1", getMarkerPos "marker01", 100, "MIL", 200]] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
I saw the additional sub-array options somewhere in a thread with SpyderBlack723, and I assumed that they refer to 100 priority, MIL type instead of CIV, and 200 objective size. I've also tried it without the MIL and 200, exactly per the FAQ.
Do I need to define the global variable _OPCOM? Does it need input from somewhere or from me?
Is "addObjective" a placeholder that I need to edit?
Is "custom_1" a suitable name for the _id global variable? I assumed it is what shows up on debug maps as "c_17", "c_xx" for placement objectives.
Is there an explanation of syntax somewhere in the online ALiVE instructions? For that matter, it seems like there is no real manual for ARMA 3 sqf scripting, other than the usually-not-helpful BIS wiki for functions (which is like writing an essay using a foreign language dictionary with no grammar, when everyone else has been speaking and modifying the language for 12 years). I'm getting tired of making Frankenscripts that don't work. :P I tried using Zenophon's framework (great documentation), but would prefer to throw some ALiVE modules in and just play.
Not only check the OPF_F default, but also BLU_F is case sensitive (i.e. "blu_f" will only spawn OPF_F). I was going @!#$ nuts trying to figure out why my mil placement was dropping OPF_F in my base even when I had it set to blu_f.
I never came across a tutorial that warned about case sensitivity. Sorry if this is super obvious to long-time mission builders, but as a 3-week mission builder, I was stumped for days. If you could put that in your tutorial notes or something, I think it might save some other noobs a lot of heartache.