Last active 5 years ago
I think I found it:
Im trying to have either the tablet or a full screen version of the map (with ability to add spotreps etc) open on an addaction set on a standard mapboard game object.
this addAction ["Show map", "scripts\showalivemap.sqs"]
I've had limited success with:
[["openFull"],"ALIVE_fnc_displayMenu",player,false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
[["open"],"ALIVE_fnc_mainTablet",player,false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
basically what function is called when someone opens the tablet from the alive menu?
Ah OK. each module is set quite low, Ill try up it
Am I correct in that if you place a military objective module set to spawn units and a civilian one set to objectives only (both synced to a commander of course) that the military units will move out to the civilian objectives?
That doesn't appear to be happening when I preview in Debug
I've used the Chernarus civvies for now.. .close enough proxy I guess... sort of lol
OMG lol... duh. I thought they did
You see that in the rpt? Didnt see any errors in mine
Map is Takistan. I can see through the debug that everything is working fine as far as placement points etc.
Civs spawn just fine using the default CIV_F faction. If I set it to CUP_C_TK (or even CUP_C_RU) not a single civ spawns. Empty vehicles do however (set to the same faction).
Everything is updated to the latest version (CBA/CUP/ALIVE). I've triple checked that there are no extra spaces or whatever.
Hrmm.. OK I made sure there isn't an alive multispawn module already... maybe I've left one somewhere on the map by accident.
EDIT: Nope, there is no multispawn module, or an ACE one, or any other possible respawn editing module.
EDIT2: I think this may be the issue: