

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Mon Oct 19 14:26:02 2015

    Ok I have the commander set to occupy. I have about 4 objectives, in a ~ 200 m x 200 m square. I noticed in debug that groups from other modules/objectives will immediately move to the module/objective closest to where I spawn as their enemy, even though the objective they are moving to is a lower priority (~40 vs the 60 of the other modules). Does the AI enemy commander know where I am and want to bolster troops closest to me?

  2. Sun Oct 18 01:35:23 2015

    Cool it worked thanks. I'm having trouble with some parameters though. I can't figure out how to priority and size works.

    I set the priority to 100 on one module, and 50 on the other...didn't seem to effect the guys. Is a bigger number a higher priority?

    When I set how many groups to spawn ALIVE doesn't totally obey. Sometimes I get additional groups spawning visible in the profiler debug.

    Size is also odd. I had to set the objective size much smaller than I measured on the map as they'd spawn well beyond what I set.

  3. Sat Oct 17 15:49:54 2015

    Ok I will try it tonight. Since I have several small homes and farms in the area I will place one for each...and test that.

    Thanks again guys!

  4. Sat Oct 17 15:38:49 2015

    Thanks for the reply Spyder. I have read the wiki and the FAQ and it is unclear to me how to use that module. Do I sync it to an area marker? There is no TAOR field to fill in. I am at work right now so I can't test it.

    Thanks again!

  5. Sat Oct 17 13:50:19 2015
    M Mattnum posted in Altis Town not a valid Objective.

    Hey Spock,

    How did it work out with a custom objective? I can't figure out how to use that module and the wiki doesn't explain it. Can I sync it to a marker or something? THere is a size field in the module as well that I don't understand.

    Any tips?


  6. Sat Oct 17 13:48:24 2015

    I'll try to post a picture, but when just placing civilians I noticed in debug that none of the house in the NW of Altis are picked up nor is the Larger town of Oreocastro.


  7. Sat Oct 17 13:19:02 2015
    M Mattnum started the conversation Military Placement for isolated homes.

    I want to make a quick mission where the opfor occupies a few small houses in a rural area of Altis. It seems that the Military placement module doesn't ID the scattered houses within my TAOR marker as objectives. I assume I need to use larger towns with names etc.

    Is there a way to have the AI see the isolated houses and farms within my marker area as things worth defending?

  8. Sat Oct 17 13:14:49 2015
    M Mattnum joined the forum.