

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue May 24 21:27:51 2016
    alef posted in Some objects not restored.

    yes, thanks.

  2. Sun May 22 19:20:57 2016
    alef posted in Some objects not restored.

    I'm doing other tests but don't get any reliable result:

  3. Sun May 15 18:55:03 2016
    alef started the conversation Some objects not restored.


    For testing, I've put three TOWs outside our base but they do not show after a server & exit restart. Indeed, the Quad I've put with Zeus does.

    The zip file above contains the mission, with the relevant ALiVE modules debug turned on, the plugin log file, and the server RPT.
    I can see the RHS TOW class names in the log files, but no errors on why they aren't spawned back at their places.


  4. Sun May 15 14:42:22 2016

    Hi Tupolov, could you please post a more specific list of special characters?
    I'm debugging some peristence in mine and I'm not sure about "." in "onLoadName", thanks.

  5. Sun Mar 27 14:36:57 2016

    Mission,videos and RPT: ; mods: @ace 3.5.1, @rhs 4.0.1, @ALiVE 1.0.2 .

    The RHS chopper randomly refuses to land, instead it hovers at random height. Two videos are provided, one successful, the other not. I've looked into your FSM but didn't found anything strange vs. the ACE's fast-roping PFH.


  6. Sun Mar 27 11:47:51 2016

    For info: I've followed the instructions Halting OPCOM activity at and it seems to work.

  7. 9 years ago
    Wed Feb 24 18:57:17 2016

    Thanks, but it doesn't work. Looking into why, I've found in my RPT this:

    Error in expression <_FSM",-1] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet) > -1} && {!isNil {([_logic,"OPCOM_FSM",-1] cal>
      Error position: <&& {!isNil {([_logic,"OPCOM_FSM",-1] cal>
      Error Generic error in expression
    File x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\fnc_OPCOM.sqf, line 1352
    ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_OPCOM instance set to true!

    ... and line 1352 belongs to the "pause" case.

  8. Sun Feb 21 10:02:36 2016
    alef started the conversation How to pause single module instances.

    Doing like the above stops all the OPCOM modules in my mission. I would need to stop only one OPCOM instance, but not the others. Is there a way?


  9. Mon Feb 15 15:19:52 2016

    We asked gently the Nitrado support and they give us the DNS name (an alias to ) which resolves to the public IP of the Windows host computer. This is the right IP for the War Room.

  10. Sun Feb 14 11:02:04 2016

    The issue until now seems a failure at Step 3 in the "Connect server to War Room" procedure.

    For some reason, the plugin reports to have found C:\Users\<<snip>>\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg instead of the one in the arma3 root directory, where arma3server.exe is located.

    We don't have FTP access to that directory, so no idea how it ended up there. The first part of the user hash in alive.cfg matches with the plugin log file, I guess the second parst is the hashed password.

    Could it be a bug in ALiVEPlugin.dll that prints the wrong directory when the file has been found in the game root?

    I'll remove alive.cfg from root and restart the server to see if it's like that.

    Edit: open.

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