

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Fri Feb 2 10:45:22 2018
    S silentghoust started the conversation Getting Aircraft to register.


    I have set up a custom faction in ORBAT and made a mod out of it. However, MACC can't seem to even recognize the aircraft at all. I know there is an issue with improper ammo configs for missiles and such, but wouldn't it at least use it for RECON?

  2. Wed Nov 29 18:09:49 2017
    S silentghoust started the conversation When to Addon vs Config.

    So when they mean loadouts, do they mean changing the gear on a unit? Also if I wanted to add say some CUP vehicles to the Syndikat faction, would this apply as changing the loadout, since the crew isn't the same?

  3. 8 years ago
    Mon Sep 19 21:00:01 2016
    S silentghoust posted in Old Convoys?.

    AI driving is bad, but I plan on keeping them careless, with limited speed. Will take forever but I have had very little issues with them getting stuck at lower speed.

    Ultimately I would like to virtual them, and create specific tasking related to their condition. So players know that the convoy is being intercepted or something. Prompting players to investigate the issue, and clear out any threats.

    I'll have to try that Norrin's script.

  4. Mon Sep 19 08:37:00 2016
    S silentghoust started the conversation Old Convoys?.

    Was wondering if the old convoy script existed anywhere still?

    I'm finishing up my final touches on my Russian 2035 Showcase mission. However, instead of the usual logistics. I would like it so a small 2 truck convoy spawns at the airfield and moves to the FOB. Then when they reach each destination, new ammo and weapons are gained inside crates. However, I'm pretty newbie at scripting, and I remember AliVe use to have a old Convoy script that could work. Is it still around a github or something?

  5. Wed Sep 7 00:53:25 2016

    So in your opinion, would simulating lower numbers be simply easier to just pre-place them? I don't plan on them having much effect, simply a reason to use the ORBAT and so if players wounder down there. They might see them in action or something.

  6. Tue Sep 6 04:39:37 2016
    S silentghoust started the conversation Custom Objectives, pre-set units and resupply. .

    Greetings, been awhile back on the form but I recently joined the Russian 2035 team and wish to use this mod as part of our Showcase server.

    My questions are the following:

    Do custom objectives, and the units you designate will spawn around them be resupplied if taken casualties?

    Will Pre-set down units be replaced as well?

    How could I strictly enforce a 6 mechanized group and nothing else, and still receive reinforcements and such?

  7. 9 years ago
    Fri Jan 29 09:12:07 2016
    S silentghoust started the conversation Removing NVG script for Alive?.

    I got my computer yesterday, after installing all my software/hardware. I finally got around to getting back into Arma 3 and scripting again. I'm pretty rusty and had been reviewing new features of AliVe and typing up scripts again. I wanted to remove OPFOR side, and have wrote up the typical set up for it, however this seems to take them only from units that spawn in from profiled. Not that you really notice out of debug range.

    while {true} do {
    if (side _x == east) then
    _x unlinkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";
    _x removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
    _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";
    }foreach allUnits;

    sleep 5;

    Is there any more efficient way of doing this for AliVe? I would prefer to remove them at a profiled level if possible.

  8. Wed Jan 27 07:44:05 2016
    S silentghoust posted in Asymmetric Warfare win conditions?.

    @ski2060 @Silentghost, can you PM me with the details of how you set that up?
    I am trying to set up a COIN style mission on Takistan for my unit using ALiVE. I would like to have it use the ASW AI commander to simulate the ongoing insurgency, but would like to have a win condition if the unit puts in enough time on the map doing patrols, hitting targets etc.

    It looks like Insurgent HQ's, IED factories and Recruitment centers will be built according to the AI commander, with no way to set a total number on them. Is that so?

    So, setting a trigger for a certain number of profiles to be killed. Will those be counted from the recruited Insurgents or will those come from the placed units in the Mil Placement (military Objectives) module?

    I will be getting my new computer this coming Thursday, I'll remake the mission since I'm not really a coder and can't recall my scripts off the top of my head (They were really sloppy.) >.<

    Basically it all came down to two variables. *Maxscore = 100; and Score = 0. I then added conditions that either added + a number to that variable, or - a number. Every unit was worth 1 point, and every factory was worth 20. So essentially I wouldn't have to worry about rather they are new units, or pre-spawned ones. Simply killing one gave me a point. I also added conditions that detected when the proper AliVe functions of spawning new units from recruits, and establishing new factories happened which caused point losses. The latter part my friend helped me with.

    *I'm using 100 as a example again. I believed I tweaked it to some odd number because I found how easy/hard really depended on the size and scope of your mission.

  9. Tue Jan 26 04:30:05 2016
    S silentghoust posted in Asymmetric Warfare win conditions?.

    I found using a "points" system works the best.

    Basically the win condition is to get to 100 points.

    Each kill and facility destroyed has a points value attached, for example 1 per kill and 20 for a facility.

    However, the Insurgents makes you lose points for every recruit they have and facility established. I found that it worked great because it would require you to prefer to hit multiple targets at once rather then piecemeal. Since the insurgents would slowly recover over time.

  10. Fri Jan 22 02:57:52 2016

    Yea I like his missions. But my goal is slightly different. I wan't to create a war that has very few scripted objectives and elements. Basically, I wan't to focus on the narrative part of AliVe so many groups create. Only in a strict single player format, with limited soldiers to play at and limited assets. I wan't players to be very attached to their AI and with that a very challenging but rewarding mission. I wouldn't mind doing it on a server, but several custom mods I have are just built for single player.

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