Last active 7 years ago
InsurgencyALiVE is the mission that I updated the modules for, which I just figured out I updated wrong :(
I extract the download, add the insurgency pbo and the landlord pbo to my mpmissions, and 2 operation landlords show up :\
In the sample missions, Insurgency and Operation Landlord show up as the exact same thing in my missions for some reason, but they are both Operation Landlord. I've tested removing only one and the other from my mpmissions folder... am I doing something wrong?
final update, I think persistence works fine now, but I don't see anything on the war room map happening
I can see stats and starting/ending operations on my profile, but not here
update, hostname was different and now I get a message that I am logged into alive, and see in my mission, but it still doesn't show up on war room
my statistics on war room are updating from a while ago as well
I'm not positive, but I think I am fully connected and everything but something is wrong when war room updates. :\ I think persistence works now?
Hey, turns out my FTP lost a few files, but I fixed it and joined my server! Just a few last questions :)
1. When I started my mission, it wasn't indicated on war room, are there any obvious solutions I looked over?
2. Do all the people that I want to invite need a war room account?
EDIT: I'm playing operation landlord, with the AI added, also looked around, how important is war room / is it 100% necessary?
The deleted content was ALIVE modules, but the mod was running on the server, along with @CBA. I'll probably wait for the update then...
I'm guessing something is up with the new update, right?
Edit, when I follow the directions on making a new server in ALiVE war room, my server logs say You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted...
@AliveServer and @CBA are running on the server, I don't know what else I need
So I have a control panel for a dedicated server, and to make sure I'm doing this right, to install ALiVE on my server, I need to upload @ALiVEserver to my server and put it in a command line with CBA. Then after this all I have to do is configure it with War Room, which my server provider gave me a hostname for... right?