

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Apr 5 14:52:48 2016

    The AI I mentioned are not playable but just the AI group tied to a player.
    The AI are a minnor issue, but in my persistent Campaign I badly need player persistence working.
    Hope they can find a solution. Thx!!

  2. Tue Apr 5 14:29:00 2016

    Yes same I can confirm this as well. Vehicles are persistent, logistic items are persistent, time of the day and wethaer are persistent.
    AI are not persitent either (tested with AI grouped to player), even if killed they spawn again on the first mission starting point when restarting again.
    Player loadout is not conserved neither its possition.
    I do experience the same "launching issues" that @Incontinentia mentioned.

  3. Sun Apr 3 15:50:36 2016

    I am experiencing the same problem. I am using a Coop mission that previously have worked nicely with Alive and persistence in the War room. I have edited it with the 3D editor and changed the AGM MOD for ACE3. Most of the other mods and things remain the same.
    Now the mission is logged on the War room the vehicles are persistent and even the logistic material is persisten but the players are not.
    I have tried it dozens of times, reviewed and played with all settings related to the Database and Player opctions but player location and loadout are not saved or at least they are not applied/persistent when launching the mission again.
    I am using Side respawn settings and using alive multispawn module to respawn players inside a vehicle that works correctly.
    I am attaching a linkt to a rar file with my rpt and pluging logs I had Database Module debug ON.

    Log Files


  4. 9 years ago
    Thu Jan 28 11:38:58 2016
    F Furia posted in Vehicle persistence help.

    Ok I found my problem.
    I have initially failed to add the Logistics Module.

    With this module on the map , it works nice

  5. Thu Jan 28 11:11:28 2016
    F Furia posted in Vehicle persistence help.

    I am experiencing the same issue here. I am using some Mods so I will have to try it with just CBA and ALIVE however I would like to ask some question regarding what it has been said here.

    Last mission I tested I was in a tank that got destroyed with me inside. I respawned and saved and exited the server as admin.
    My location was saved , the vehicle location was saved but instead destroyed the vehicle was brand new again.
    For my persistent campaing I need that destroyed vehicles get persitently destroyed or even disapear from the persistent world.
    So let me ask one question, lets imagine one player takes a helo flies to wherever lands leaves the helo and 20 minutes later someone blows that helo, wouyld this helicopter be persistently be dertroyed or in the persisten world objects are not damage persistent?
    I really need to make this work for my new mp campaing since players have limited resources and if those resources are not persistent and will always exist brand new my campaing has no sense at all.
    Any help or suggestion is greatly welcomed

  6. Thu Jan 28 11:02:07 2016
    F Furia joined the forum.