Last active 4 years ago
Thanks marceldev.
Is the obsolete now? I guess that's why Friznit didn't understand me saying that there was no mention of where to place the map, although my original post did give the link for the tutorial which I was following (and which is different to this new one on the github).
The link is still broken for me. Am I on the wrong page?
"Acquire a copy of Mikero's Tools, specifically DeWrp.exe and DePbo.dll and DeOgg.dll (the version dated 09/08/2014 seems to work OK)."
Clicking DeOgg.dll takes me to:
We need a map.
Server Error: 404 (Not Found)
Here is the link to the free Mikero's Tools:
DeOgg...Installer.exe gives me DeOgg64.dll - maybe it detects what version of Windows you're running?
This is what the instructions say:
"ALiVE must be in @ALiVE folder in ArmA3 (Warning: folder name is case sensitive!)"
I read that as a warning about the case sensitivity of the @ALiVE folder, rather than as explicitly saying to put @ALiVE in a particular ArmA 3 folder. There's no mention about the map folder location that I've seen.
Perhaps this might help to clarify for other potential contributors:
"Both the @ALiVE folder (warning: folder name is case sensitive!) and the custom map to be indexed must be placed inside the ArmA3 game folder (which contains Arma3.exe)."
Was there any thought about the broken link to the .dll or it's unavailability?
No, I'm not seeing anything obvious in procmon just before crash.
I wasn't familiar with process monitor, but have installed it and set up the filter for arma3.exe.
When A3 is running (just sitting in the editor), there are 80,000+ lines of events relating to it! I'm not really sure how to filter that data to look for something appropriate when it crashes.
Edit: although I've just noticed it's in chronological order...
Ha, I spoke too soon.
deWrp.exe now does it's thing and finds all the items. But when it completes with "Press any key to continue" and I press Up arrow, Arma crashes. Nothing in the rpt to say why.
Thanks spyderB & marceldev,
Executing DeWrp.exe from cmd worked fine:
DeWrp.exe -D "F:\Games_2\ArmA 3\Mods\@gorgona\addons\gorgona.pbo"
It ran through a long list of stuff and completed with // No error(s).
What is the exact syntax for the "Map PBO file path:" inside the @Alive Map Indexer module?
I have mods on a different drive to the game files, but @gorgona is in the same folder as @alive.
I've tried:
F:\Games_2\ArmA 3\Mods\@gorgona\addons\gorgona.pbo
This one crashes ArmA dead:
"F:\Games_2\ArmA 3\Mods\@gorgona\addons\gorgona.pbo"
I also tried moving @gorgona to the A3 game folder in case it was a mod path problem, same negative result.
Finally, I've tried another map, @vtr_porquerolles, and get the same immediate error.
Have you had much up-take from the community in helping with map-indexing?
Is there a list of map-index submissions that haven't yet made it into release, so that others considering helping out don't repeat work already done?
I'm having a look at what's involved, using @gorgona as an example, following the tutorial:
When asking it to start indexing it immediately fails with an rpt message of:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Calling DeWRP to get list of objects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There was a problem, exiting indexing
I have: