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  1. 5 years ago
    Fri Mar 15 14:49:48 2019

    NW Deadman on BI forums has confirmed its a CBA bug and its being worked on.
    here .
    here is the CBA github issue post

  2. Fri Mar 15 14:34:38 2019
    flibble666 started the conversation CBA Error since update 14-03-19 [SOLVED].

    Getting the following error since the CBA update yesterday.
    When trying to access any alive menu popup.

    script PATHTO_SUB(cbauiflexiMenufnc_list) not found

    also reported on CBA github.

  3. Thu Mar 14 14:47:50 2019
    flibble666 posted in air support for transport helli..

    Thank you.

  4. Mon Mar 11 20:15:09 2019
    flibble666 started the conversation air support for transport helli..

    Hello I am working on an escape style mission i was wondering if there is a way to have another air unit defend the transport helli?

    Thank you flibble666.

  5. 7 years ago
    Thu Jun 29 15:19:16 2017
    flibble666 posted in Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    thankyou for the help people ill get to some testing and place code here when its working

  6. Wed Jun 28 17:28:37 2017
    flibble666 posted in Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    ok thanks for all your help anyway.

  7. Wed Jun 28 16:59:20 2017
    flibble666 posted in Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    ok tested yes they are in the crates sorry for the confusion any idea why the cba script im using would work on editor placed boxes but not on dropped ones


    //ammo box supply drop
    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
         class B_supplyCrate_F {
    		clientInit = " (_this select 0) call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'arsenalCrate.sqf')";


    _crate = _this;
    [-1, {
        _crate = _this; _crate addAction ["<t color='ff0000'>Full Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal}];
    }, _crate] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;

    thankyou for your patience in explaining and answering.

  8. Wed Jun 28 16:27:49 2017
    flibble666 posted in Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    using the unload option from a requested helli that lands is unloaded and everything is fine apart from no arsenal option .

    i only have the issue with the air drops but it appears this is normal i was sure it worked before i was able to drop a B_supplyCrate_F stright from air drop and it would land with arsenal attached not a random crate.

    to clear up my stupid brain am i supposed to be unloading stuff from the air doped crate and this should be the items in the white list.

  9. Wed Jun 28 16:02:53 2017
    flibble666 posted in Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    tested with nato BLU_T_F and BLU_F also tested with usaf.
    As i said above the box drooped changes every time one of them being CargoNet_01_box_F the rest are the metal containers in various colours and size some are empty some are full.
    this was all using the air drop fuction
    requesting air insertion and unloading from the helli drops the correct box i never really use the landing helli and unloading as its quicker to use the drop imo also the cba code for arsenal is not working on unloaded crates but thats a different issue.

  10. Wed Jun 28 15:21:48 2017
    flibble666 started the conversation Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    Ok so i used to have a cba script to attach arsenal on air drops on B_supplyCrate_F so i placed the B_supplyCrate_F into the white list of the player combat Logistics module everything worked fin since the update what ever fraction i use the drop changes to what seems to be a random box not listed in the white list i posted this on the git but it was closed due to the fact Para Drop are sent within a default container based on faction. i am defiantly not saying this is wrong i am a user and this was posted by a dev but it defiantly worked before or im going mad.

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